Chapter 20

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Ramben's POV

The amulet burned in his hands, but leaving it behind was not an option. Ramben hissed as he felt his skin being eaten away by the heat that emanated from the stone, he knew how to stop the pain but he did not dare. If he let the amulet into his mind it would bring forth another memory which he did not have the time nor the strength to deal with now. Yet his refusal did not stop the voices that had suddenly flooded his ears; voices of people he did not know who all spoke at once in a cacophony of noise.

He did his best to ignore the voices, but there was always some word or sentence that managed to get through the barriers he had set up.

"How many did you kill?"
Ramben stumbled, the amulet nearly falling out of his hands. Who had asked him that?! Why did they ask him that?!
No, you need to aim higher, and stop fidgeting! You won't hit the target with all that moving.
Aim what higher?! What target was he trying to hit?! Ramben's teeth bit sharply on his tongue after colliding with the wall, the taste of blood filled his mouth.
"They will not show mercy, so you must not show them any either. Kill without hesitation it is the only way to stay alive."
He didn't want to kill! Why did all of his memories paint him to be a killer?!

Stumbling along the narrow passageway Ramben almost missed Morwen, who was hiding in the shadows.
He froze as she whispered his name, his hands tightening around the amulet.
"Where did you get that?" She demanded, he did not pull away when she grabbed him gently, yet firmly, by the arm.
"We have to go." He tried to move forward but Morwen refused to let him.
"Ramben how did you get the amulet from Oroth? Please answer me."

She eventually let him move and he started to lead her forward. He did not want to tell her, he couldn't tell her or anyone else how he'd gotten the amulet from Oroth.
All Ramben wanted to do was leave this place and never come back.

They entered Oroth's throne room immediately spotting Darovel, carrying a limp Amarth in his arms. Ramben came to a stop the moment he laid eyes on Amarth; his skin was white, not pale, but an unnatural white.
"Save him! Please save him!"
Ramben shuddered as the voice screamed those words in mind; whoever spoke them sounded terrified, their voice cracking and throat strained. He could see tears running down a face, one that was no longer fair but twisted in grief and pain. Horrified, Ramben realized that the voice belonged to him; the tears and grief were his own.

But who was he crying for? His father? A brother perhaps?
"If we want to save him we have to get out of here." Darovel's voice cut through his thoughts. Ramben shook himself pushing the memory out of his mind. Now was not the time for this, getting away from this horrid place was all that mattered. How were they supposed to escape? All of them had been unconscious when they'd been brought here, how were they supposed to find the way out without being recaptured?

Use the amulet.
Ramben looked over his shoulder, expecting to see someone standing behind him. This wasn't a voice from his memories, who was speaking to him?
Do not be afraid, I am keeping Oroth from coming after you, but his shadows I cannot keep at bay. You must escape before they are sent to hunt you. The amulet will show you the way out.

Ramben blinked once as the presence left him. He looked down at the amulet resting in the palm of his hand; he could see where his skin had been burned, how was he supposed to use this? He rested his left hand on the blue gem in the center of the amulet, willing for it to show him the way out. His eyes widened in surprise as a soft, blue glow appeared from the gem and fell onto the stone and spread across the floor; he watched wide-eyed as the blue smoke created a path before him. This had to be the way!

"Come on!" He said walking forward.
"Where are you going?" Morwen grabbed him by the arm bringing him to an abrupt stop.
"I know the way out! Come on we have to hurry." Ramben tried to move but Morwen refused to let him go.
"How do you know? Were you awake when we were brought here, or did Oroth give you directions after you stole the amulet from him?"
"You did what?" Darovel's eyes were wide in shock.

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