Chapter 8

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Ramben's POV

"They're still not here boss." Hames said looking around for the men they'd left back at the city.

"Well if they're not here by the time Elaph comes then they've missed their chance," Thilan snapped, "I'm not going to wait around all night for them."

Ramben tried to block out their voices, laying his head on his knees he focused on making himself as small as possible. Thilan had taken him out of the city and had forced him to walk at a brisk pace until they had left the sight of Minas Tirith. Now they were waiting for this Elaph to show up, and they would be on the move again.

Thilan had left him sitting on the ground and thankfully hadn't paid much notice to him. Ramben glanced up at Thilan who was still speaking to Hames, the two men they'd come with were standing guard nearby. He didn't bother trying to run away knowing full well that he'd be caught before he could get far. Besides, he didn't know these lands and he certainly didn't want to risk Thilan's wrath.

So far the man hadn't done anything to harm him which confused Ramben. He'd seem keen on hurting Amarth, why was he gentle with him? For reasons the young Elf didn't understand, he almost wished that Thilan would be cruel to him. The reverential, almost possesive way Thilan acted towards him made Ramben shudder.

Ramben's shoulders sagged when he heard Thilan's footsteps coming towards him. He drew his knees even closer to his chest, keeping his face hidden behind a curtain of hair. He could tell that Thilan was crouched down beside him. Ramben forced himself to keep his breathing calm and steady, perhaps he would just leave him alone.

A hand reached out and gently brushed Ramben's hair away from his face, tucking it behind his ear. The elfling kept his eyes closed as his body trembled. Why couldn't this all just be a bad dream?

"Why do you hide your face little one?" Thilan asked softly. "You are doing the world an injustice by hiding yourself."

What did he mean by that? Ramben stiffened as Thilan took hold of his face and lifted his head up, forcing him to look at him. 

"I grew up on tales of Elves, I never understood why they went into hiding but I think I do now." Thilan paused for a moment as he studied him. Ramben swallowed a lump in his throat and tried to back away, but Thilan put his arm around the small Elf, keeping him from moving. 

"If Elves were still abundant today," he continued, "every man, woman, king or beggar would desire to posses their beauty. They'd be sought after until everyone had one for themselves." Thilan's thumb brushed against Ramben's cheek and his next words sent a shiver down the elfling's spine. "You Elves are like precious gems: beautiful, rare, and valuable. Yet what is even better is that you are alive, living jewels fit for a king. Or a humble thief."

Thilan stood to his feet and turned his back on him, once he had walked off Ramben released the breath he had been holding. Thilan's words left Ramben feeling small and vulnerable. Being talked about as if he were a mere object, something that could be claimed by whoever wished to have him, made the young Elf feel something he had never felt before.

He'd felt confusion, happiness, and fear. 

But this...

This was different.

This burning sensation he felt inside of him, was unlike any emotion he had ever experienced. His hands clenched into fists and his heart began to beat faster than ever before. He glared in Thilan's direction (something he'd never done either) and felt as if he could burn the man with nothing but his gaze. 

It poked at the back of his mind at first, before suddenly slamming into him.

He was lying on the ground, bound hand and foot. They had used a rope to gag him, shoving it in his mouth and tying it tightly around his head. Their cruel laughs resounded in his ears as they mocked him.

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