Chapter 18

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Darovel's POV

He knew exactly where he was being taken to; and he knew that the best thing would be for him to remain silent and comply. Though Darovel hated knowing what was coming, he couldn't stop the excitement that was brought on by the adrenaline rushing through his body. This was his chance to escape! He knew how to get back to Oroth's throne from the place where the shadows had brought him the first time, all that was left to do was wait for the opportune moment to sneak away.

It would have to be after the shadows had gone into a frenzy; things would be so chaotic Darovel would have no problem with escaping.

At least, I hope so...

They rounded a bend when they suddenly came to a stop. Darovel knew exactly where they were now; if they kept going straight they would end up at Oroth's throne, but for some reason the two shadows holding him didn't seem interested in continuing on. They began to converse with each other; their voices were thick and raspy, full of excitement as they spoke.

"Why should we share him with the others? We hardly got a chance to use him last time. I say we keep him for ourselves."

This sent a wave of panic throughout Darovel's body. If he wasn't taken to the others he wouldn't be able to escape!
"Are you sure?" The second shadow asked, "If the others found out we got to use the human but didn't share-"
"Who cares about how they'll react? The Master said that we could have our fun with him and I intend to. If you don't want in on it then I suggest that you leave."

Darovel nearly went limp, the grips on his arms the only thing keeping from falling. The hesitant shadow was still trying to decide whether or not it was going to go along with the plan when a cold, wet voice hissed, "What are you doing with the human?"

Darovel stifled a groan as one of the creatures from their cell appeared; crawling along the floor like a cat stalking its prey. He'd seen plenty of this kind during his first time with the shadows; where there was one there were always more nearby.
"It's none of your business scum!" The first shadow growled shoving Darovel into his cohort's arms. The shadow clamped a cold hand over Darovel's mouth which caused him to shudder involuntarily. He hated having these creatures' hands on him. The smaller creature did not seem intimidated by the larger shadow at all; its thick, fork tongue darted out of its mouth as if it were tasting the air.

It blinked once and two more of its kind emerged from the shadows. Darovel felt his heart sink as more appeared behind them, crawling out from unseen places hidden in the darkness. His captor tightened its grip on him, snarling at the small creatures.
"The big onesss don't want to share the human." The creature who had been the first to appear informed the others of its kind. His words were met with enraged hisses that made Darovel's skin crawl.

"The human is ours!" The large shadow bellowed. The creatures (who far outnumbered the two big shadows) smiled and continued to slowly advance. Suddenly Darovel was thrown onto the ground, the shadow who had been holding him fled down the hall. Several creatures chased after it, no sounds were heard as they ended the shadow's life. The other one was not going down as easy. That was when Darovel realized; no one was watching him.

The smaller creatures were too busy with the large shadows to pay him any mind, but he knew that would quickly change. Trying not to draw attention to himself; Darovel slipped unseen into the shadows, thankful that he had spent so many years perfecting the art of stealth. As he crept along the wall he saw the creatures swarming over the dead shadow's body; this was his last obstacle and he would be free.

The creatures did not notice him slip by and once Darovel believed himself to be out of hearing distance, he ran. His heart was beating rapidly and his body screamed in protest; but if he went any slower there was a chance that the creatures would catch up with him. Darovel could see the incline that led down to Oroth's throne, he was almost there! Stopping just at the entrance Darovel looked around for any sign of the shadows, it was empty.

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