He hates you

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I smiled as I met up with Betty and Jughead. The only problem is he hates me and he has since I moved to Riverdale two years ago, I have no idea what I did wrong but clearly whatever I do pisses him off. "Betty!" I cheered as we hugged and I noticed Jughead roll his eyes but I tried my best to ignore it.

"How are you?" She asked and I nodded.

"I'm great" We continued a normal conversation making our way into hers. I sat myself on the bed crossing my legs as we had our usual girly talk. I started talking about me and what I'd been doing since I've been gone awhile and that must of set him off.

"Oh my god Y/N will you just shut up for like two minutes you're giving me a freaking headache!" He spat, I felt my heart sink and Betty's jaw dropped. I stayed silent and fiddled with my fingers. He continued to rant about how annoying I was that he didn't realise that I was crying.

"Oh for goodness sake Jug! Can't you see she's crying? What the hell is wrong with you?!" I gave her a shocked look and wiped my eyes. I never said a word as she left the room.

"Y/N..?" He whispered but I refused to look up. "Y/N I'm sorry" he sighed sitting in front of me.

"What did I do wrong..?" I asked quietly as he held my hand. "You've hated me for years and I'm confused as to what I did"

"You did nothing wrong, I'm just an idiot who treated you like shit for no reason and I apologise for that, I know you're not going to forgive me right away but I hope we can be friends in the future"

"I forgive you Juggie" I smiled and he gave a confused look. "I know I'm forgiving you too easily but I'm not one to hold a grudge even though you're a complete asshole" I giggled.

"I'm just glad you forgive me, now how would you feel about going out later? Just you and me. Not like a date or anything but just to get to know each other and start over."

"I'd like that" I grinned and that's when Veronica and Betty walked in. Since when did Ronnie get here?

Jughead and I spent the next few months getting to know each other and that's when he finally asked me out and of course I wasn't going to turn him down, we've only been dating a week or two but I have a feeling it's going to last a lot longer than that.

Jughead Jones ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon