Broken Home (song preference)

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They would yell, they would scream, they were fighting it out, she would hope she would pray she was waiting it out holding on to a dream while she's watching these watching these walls fall down.

I let out a deep breath as I heard my parents screaming at each other downstairs, it's been like this for a few months now. I keep praying that they would be okay, my dream of them being okay is clearly not coming true as I carry on listening, sneaking downstairs I stared at them with sad eyes. When is this going to stop? I don't want to watch them like this anymore.

Sharp words like knives they were cutting her down, shattered glass like the past it's a memory now holding on to a dream while she's watching this walls fall down.
The words that were leaving my parents lips hurt so much, it felt like knives were being jabbed into me, the sound of glass being shattered reminded me of what happened a few weeks ago. That memories never going to fade. My dream is being crushed more and more every second, these walls just fall down more and more every day and there's nobody there to pick them back up. "I HATE YOU" I heard my dad scream at my mum. "YOU'RE WORTHLESS!" He screamed and then looked at me.

"Y/N you're just like your mother. Pathetic. Stupid. Worthless. Ugly."

It hurt more than it should. The words that left his mouth cause tears to well up in my eyes but I tried my hardest to be strong but of course that was never going to happen in this house.

Hey mom, hey dad when did this end? Where did you lose your happiness? I'm here alone inside of this broken home.
Who's right who's wrong who really cares? The fault, the blame the pains still there, I'm here alone inside of this broken home.

I sat back re-thinking about when my parents were happy, where did they lose their happiness.. I'm stuck in this broken home, alone with nobody to help me, I have to deal with this alone. I get the blame for most things as if it's my fault they're always arguing but although I want to believe it's not somehow my brain tells me it is and I realise this pain is never going to go away..

Wrote it down on the walls, she was screaming it out, made it clear she's still here, are you listening now? Just a ghost in the hall feeling empty they're vacant now.
I sat in the hallway writing my feelings on the wall hoping one of them would notice, do they even realise that I'm here half the time? It's like I'm just a ghost sitting here trying to get noticed by either my mother or my father but it's no use, no matter what I do I'm invisible to them. They show no interest to me whatsoever. It's horrible because I need my parents..

All the battles, all the wars, all the time that you've fought, she's a scar, she's the bruises, she's the pain that you brought, there was love like a light and it's fading out.

The house feels more like a battle or something like world war 3 in this house, that's how many times they've fought. What happened to the love? It's starting to fade away as I become a scar to this place, the pain that's been brought in to this house makes me feel horrible, whatever this is between them won't go. It would be better if they got a divorce right?

Hey mom, hey dad when did this end? Where did you lose your happiness? I'm here alone inside of this broken home.
Who's right, who's wrong who really cares? The fault the blame the pains still there, I'm here alone inside of this broken home.
This broken home.

"This is your fault!" My mum screamed at me as my dad continued to stand there staring at me. I sighed wishing there was someone here who would stand up for me. Someone like Jughead but he's not here and I can't contact him because his phones dead.. Thoughts ran through my brain as I thought over their argument. Who's right in the whole of this. Why do I get the blame for something that's not even my fault? I'm here alone inside of this broken home..

You've gotta let it go, you're losing all your hope, nothing left to hold, locked out in the cold. You pained memories that washed out all the scenes, I'm stuck in between a nightmare and lost dreams.

I'm losing the hope I had for them making up, I sat here in the cold with nowhere to go and I didn't have a key and I hate to admit it but I'm scared to knock. The memories I had painted have just been washed away like they never existed. I feel like I'm living in a nightmare with no hope for anything and lost dreams that I wish weren't real..

Hey mom, he dad when did this end? Where did you lose your happiness? I'm here alone inside of this broken home.

Hey mom, hey dad when did this end? Where did you lose your happiness? I'm here alone inside of this broken home. Who's right, who's wrong who really cares? The fault the blame, the pains still there, I'm here alone inside of this broken home.

This broken home..

Where did my parents lose their happiness? When did all this end? That's the thing I ask myself everyday. Who is right in all of this? The pain runs through my body as I sit on the stairs eavesdropping into their fight. I just wish I could run away and never come back but there's nowhere to go.

Who really cares anymore? My parents obviously don't care about each other so why are they still together? So many questions run through my brain as I feel like all of this is my fault now, ever since I got older they became more violent. Is it best to run away? To get away from this home.

I don't even feel like its home anymore. I feel like it's just a place I'm staying in.. A place where I'm obviously not wanted and it sucks.. it really does.


THIS WAS HORRIBLE!! This was absolutely terrible! Why do you even read these?!😂
What did you think of this? Should I do more song preferences or nah?x

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