Chapter 4

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Dear diary

Last night became one of the worst days of my life! Trunk's dad beat the hell out of us, my so called friend forced himself upon me, Trunks found out and made me to tell him where Brody was that night and to top it all off, Trunks has been gone all night and all I have done is sit and cry. I'm so pathetic but he told me to not follow him. I don't want to disobey him but if he's not back soon I will search for him...he has no idea how worried I am.

Goten placed the diary inside his bag as he did every morning. Sitting inside the tent not knowing what to do with himself he thought there was no point waiting around or crying any longer.

Where should I look first? I hope not but maybe he's at the football field or maybe he went home, if he's still mad with me for lying to him.

He decided to check the prince's house first. Sleep deprived and emotional, Goten really didn't care if anything happened to his belongings or himself because all he wanted was to find his beloved and make sure they're okay. Without giving his plan a second thought he crawled out of the tent and ascended into the dawn sky.

I don't care what time it is...I...I need to know if he's okay. I really hope I don't wake Vegeta though.

Goten reached the Briefs residence in almost no time at all and hesitantly knocked on the front door. Immediately a distraught looking Bulma answered. Her eye makeup was streaked down her face and she looked like she had been crying for ages.

"Goten, you're okay!" She screamed.

She hugged him tightly and dragged him inside.

"What's wrong Mrs Briefs?"

"Trunks has been taken to the hospital!"

Goten's heart sank to unfathomable depths after hearing such a bombshell.


"I don't know hun. I received a call from the hospital a moment ago so I'm going there now. Do you want to come with me?"

"Y...Yes please"

He had to fight back more tears while trying to contemplate what was just said. Bulma grabbed her handbag and rushed Goten to the car.

"Um...where's Vegeta?"

"I wish I knew hun. He didn't take the news very well and flew off somewhere"

Hmph...He's probably feeling guilty. I'm positive his actions helped Trunks end up in the hospital. Trunks...You knew how badly you were hurt...What happened to you?

Goten wished he could fly there, but he knew that it would probably cause hysteria if the public witnessed him flying around. It didn't matter too much though because Bulma was driving over the speed limit all the way there. When they reached the hospital, she parked the car and they both ran inside. The receptionist directed them to where he was receiving treatment. As they entered the correct ward they explained to the nearest nurse that they wanted to see Trunks. The nurse directed them to the room they were keeping him in and warned them before they entered that he was unconscious. Nothing could have prepared Goten for the sight in front of him. Trunks laid there looking almost lifeless; he had more bruises than before. There was dry blood stained under his nose and the corners of his mouth. His chest was wrapped in bandages and his right arm was in a sling. Bulma and Goten both collapsed into tears at the sight of the fallen prince, wondering what had happened to him. Suddenly the nurse asked Bulma to step outside of the room for a minute to explain. She followed the nurse while trying to calm down and they closed the door leaving the couple alone.


Goten couldn't find any words, he was utterly drained. This whole situation seemed impossible to him. He never liked hospitals; the continuous beeping of the machines, the smell of bleach and blood, the depressing repetitive decor and now the love of his life was lying in a hospital bed, hooked up to one of those hated machines.

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