Chapter 1

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Dear diary

Today is the day! I can't hold it in any longer, I have to tell Trunks how I feel and I know this will just make or break me. I don't ask for much but I...really want this. Wish me luck! xxx

"Hey Trunks!" Goten waved energetically running towards his secret love. He is just too perfect Goten thought, his beautiful lilac hair flowing through the slight breeze with his devilish smirk that was enough to make anyone melt.

"Hey chibi how are you feeling after our last session?" Goten tried not to blush but it was difficult when being called chibi, even though he knows he should be used to it by now.

"I'm okay but you didn't need to be so rough on me Trunks, it really hurt when you turned super saiyan and blasted me into that mountain!"

"Heh sorry chibi you know what I'm like for getting carried away, I blame dad hehe".

How could I stay mad at him?

"Anyway are you ready to spar in our usual place? I promise I won't launch you into a mountain this time"

"Okay Trunks but not too intense today, I'm still not feeling too great"

The two boys took flight towards their favourite sparring place, a tranquil meadow that's surrounded by mountains with a river snaking through. It was out of harm's way from everyone and everything. It was Goten's idea, he took after his dad more than he realised.

He was in his own little world trying to think of ways to finally beat his older friend but thoughts of Trunks restraining him and forcing his tongue in his mouth kept invading his mind. He shook his head trying to snap out of it.

"Oh great, now I'm blushing!" Feeling his cheeks warm up he flew slightly ahead, hoping Trunks wouldn't notice.

"Hey chibi we're here!" They both landed gently on the grass staring directly at each other from a slight distance.

"Okay Trunks, remember don't go too over the top"

"Don't worry I won't..." As Trunks was staring at Goten, he sensed new found determination in the young saiyans glimmering onyx eyes. "Hehe, this should be fun"

The stage was set, they both knew they couldn't win by attempting to stare each other down, so Goten thought he would initiate the training before he started to blush again. He rushed towards Trunks with blinding speed with the plan of landing a swift punch but hit thin air.

"Where'd you go?" He was answered by Trunks grabbing him from behind, locking his arms around Goten's shoulders putting him in a full nelson lock.

"Too slow chibi haha! Try and get out of this!" He struggled furiously but Trunks kept slowly applying pressure, almost forcing him to his knees. Struggling, he started to get angry with himself for getting into this mess just as soon as they started.

"I can't let him beat me already! Only one thing for it" Trunks noticed the surge of ki in the air and saw his younger friend's jet black hair raise up starting to flicker gold. In an instant Goten broke free from his grip. Trunks looked up at him hovering above, now with golden hair and piercing green eyes.

"You cheated Goten! We agreed yesterday not to turn super saiyan today!" But he had a little plan to get away with his actions, he slowly descended to the ground returning to his normal state. As he landed, tears started to form in his now onyx eyes. "Wha? Goten are you ok why are you crying?" Trunks rushed over to comfort the younger saiyan. He threw his arms around his friend, resting Goten's head on to his toned chest and started running his fingers softly through his thick dark hair, knowing this always used to calm him.

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