The Boys

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Hiccup's POV:

          Everything  about Jack Frost screams trouble, and for once I'd like it to shut up. We used to be able to almost blend in with everyone else in Berk. Our village is full of giant, beast-like vikings, and me, a slighty less beast-like viking. Fortunately for me, those gifted with scrcawny arms, freckles, and classy fur vests are greatly admired amognst the people of Berk. Right up there with the sheep whisperers. But  all everyone used to know me as was Stoick's toothpick of a son. Until Jack decided to go get himself drowned in the lake.

         We were out ice skating with Jack's younger sister, Olivia, to celebrate her dragon hunting test earlier that day. She received a few burns, and her hair was quite a bit shorter on one side, but I'll never forget the grin on her face after she passed. Unfortunately once we wandered too far out onto the thin ice, faint cracks began to run underneath Olivia's feet. I stood frozen behind her. I couldn't make it across with my metal leg. I would just fall in myself without assistance. I thought about it, the village was too far away, by the time I got there it would be too late. And when my superstitous neighbors arrived they might be curious as to how the lake was frozen so early in the year. I could picture them saying it was a sign we would have to offer up desert sacrifices or something. 

            Jack immediately reached out towards her, "It's okay it's okay, don't look down. Just look at me," he assured her.

            "Jack, I'm scared," she whispered. My mind spun with possible ways to get her off of the ice as more lines ran across its' surface.

           "I know but you're not going to fall in, we're going to have some fun instead," he answered.

           "Now is not the time Jack," I breathed, wondering what he was up to. 

            "Would I trick you?" he asked us, sending a pointed look in my direction. I rolled my eyes.

           "Yes, you always play tricks!" She said exsaperatedly.

            "Well alright," he concedes, "Not this time, I promise, I promise you're going to be fine." I can see the worry in his eyes, for her rather than himself. I know the freezing temperatures won't kill him, but it might not be as kind to her. "You have to believe in me. You want to play a game? We're going to play hopscotch, like we do everyday." he says decisively.

          "It's easy as one, whoah..." he nearly falls, the ice failing to support him. "Two...three." He has made it to the thicker ice and his sheperd's hook. I know what he's planning, if anything goes wrong, the staff is a source of his power.  "Now your turn."

          "One... two....three!" She'd lost her balance, but Jack's staff caught her just in time. Unfortunately, he miscalutes the trajectory and falls backwards. I shake my head as his lanky form breaks through the layer of frost and sinks into the depths of the lake. He really needs to start wearing shoes. The two of us have a connection with the moon, and therefore the waters it pulls to create the tide.  He has a unique connection with the ice; the freezing water will give him strength if anything. He insists that he never gets cold, and a few of the villagers suspect something. But the brunette just flashes him his cheeky little grin and smooths everthing over. The point is, I knew'd he'd be just fine as soon as there was a giant glowing circle to light up his smug little face. But his sister didn't.

             "He'll be less dead in about an hour," I assure her, walking back to our supplies.

              "Hiccup!" she cried, horrified.

              "Alright, alright, 58 minutes! I rounded up!" 

              "You're crazy! We have to get someone to help him.... Oh, Jack.." she sobs, falling to her knees. I come to the conclusion that I may have not handled this so well.  

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