Ch IV - Demigods

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Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Piper McLean, Jason Grace, Thalia Grace, Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang, Leo Valdez, Calypso, Will Solace, Nico di Angelo, Reyna Ramirez Arellano, Blaze Henderson and the Stoll brothers were aboard the Argo III. Yeah, impressive huh? They would've taken a plane but, child of Poseidon and Hades, would t work out well. So Leo (with the help of the other campers from Cabin 9) set building yet another ship.

Everyone sat on the deck, just enjoying the hot weather. It was probably the last hot day they'd experience for months as it was Britain they were heading to.

"You know, I've been thinking....." Leo said.

"Oh gods, here we go...." Annabeth's head fell into Percy's shoulder.

"Nothing good ever comes out of your mouth Valdez." Nico sighed. Will nudged him slightly giving him a look. Nico just stared at him blankly.

"Shut it death boy." Leo hissed.

Nico glared at Leo who smirked back. "Call me that again Valdez, I dare you." Nico challenged.

"What you gonna do? Raise an army of skeletons? We're at sea death boy." Leo smirked.

Nico huffed and looked at Jason and Percy. The two boys just stared back, not getting the message. Annabeth sighed. "Percy...." She smacked his arm and pointed at the water. The boys then understood.

Percy grinned as a wave washed over onto Leo, avoiding everyone else thanks to Jason.

Nico smirked victoriously when Leo got soaked. "You underestimate my allies." He smirked, high fiving the guys.

"Anyway Leo, what was your thoughts?" Asked Calypso. "Well, I was thinking, we can't fly cause we've got three Demigods that are children of the big-" Thalia cut him off.

"Ahem." She glared at Leo. "Sorry Thalia, make that four. And only two- technically- have the same parent. Which is why we can't fly without the other two getting killed. But yet, we can travel by sea and Poseidon couldn't care less." Leo said.

Everyone thought about it in silence for a while. Until Annabeth caught Percy's smirk. "What? What are you smirking at Seaweed Brain?" She asked. "I know why." Percy announced proudly. "Do tell." Calypso urged.

"Well, so long as I- son of Poseidon- am dating Annabeth- daughter of Athena- , I'm sticking it to Athena, yes? And that makes my father proud, so he'll do anything I ask." Percy smirked.

Everyone laughed as Annabeth smacked the back of Percy's head.

"You're such a Daddy's boy Perseus Jackson." A strange voice said. Everyone looked around to try find the source. But with no luck.

"Down here." The voice said again.

Percy looked at Annabeth curiously as he stood up and looked over the side of the ship. Swimming about two meters away, was a mermaid. Her long curly hair was white, her eyes were sea green, she appeared to be wearing a teal vest-top that matched her tail, which had every shade of blue, from a shade that was almost white, to a shade that was almost black.

Everyone else ran to to where Percy was standing and looked at the girl.

"Wooooah....." Percy, Jason and Leo chorused, all earning a smack from their girlfriends.

The mermaid laughed. "Girls, you need not be jealous. Especially you Annabeth." She giggled.

"I'm sorry but, who are you?" Annabeth asked, not liking this girl one bit.

"Excuse my poor manners, I am Ceto." The mermaid informed her.

"No you're not. A, she wasn't a mermaid, and B, she's been dead for over three thousand years." Annabeth said, standing directly in front of Percy.

"You're correct, about points A and B that is. Ceto was my namesake. If you allow me to to hop on I will be able to explain in better detail." The girl said.

"Uh.... You're a mermaid....." Percy said, furrowing his eye brows in confusion.

"And you're a lucky guy cause we know Annabeth isn't dating you for your brains Perseus." The mermaid giggled.

"How did you-"

"Not important. Anyway, may I?" The mermaid pointed to the deck.

"Uh sure.... Frank buddy could you-"

"No need." The mermaid disappeared into the depths. She was gone for about ten seconds.

"Where's she-" The Connor stopped himself when there was a splash from the other side of the ship, and a girl flew up onto the deck, doing s forward role and and landing on her feet.

"Thanks." The girl said. Everyone realised this was the mermaid.

She now wore a denim jacket over her top with dark blue 3/4's with no shoes.

"How did you-"

"A trait from my father." Ceto explained.

"Poseidon." Annabeth nodded.


"Woah woah woah! Back up! Frank is a descendant of Poseidon, and can turn into May animal he wants! She's is his daughter and can turn into a mermaid, I'm his son and I can control sea water. HOW IS THAT FAIR?!" Percy shouted.

"Calm down brother. Your powers will only grow. Besides, I did a lot back in Ancient Greece, I was repaid with powers basically." Ceto said calmly.

"I think Lady Artemis has mentioned you before." Thalia said unsurely.

"We were quite close back in a Ancient Greece." Ceto confirmed.

"How are you alive?" Asked Annabeth.

"Long story short? Mother got mad. As did father. They had a fight with a certain gorgon again and bam, I'm turned to stone, and some witch freed me. I was immortal anyway, Persephone and I had a fight and she cursed me with immortality." Ceto explained.

"Huh. Go figure."

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