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She tries to loosen her hold on me, her fingers easing off my arm, but I am not letting go.

I am her fucking Mate. I will be her fucking rock, whether she likes it or not.

I order her to look in my eyes, to not hide those burning ambers from me, and for a second, she is staring at me.

My world seems to pause when I see her face paint in pain, her eyes close.

I try to make my voice soothing as I use my Alpha command to tell her to look in my eyes, lying about the calmness in them. When she opens her eyes again, I feel like I have been physically beaten, when I see the pain in them.

It is only so much I can do to not let Asher take over, because he is going crazy inside of me.

'Back off, Ash. I won't be able to help her if you keep throwing your hissy fits in the middle' I warn him and he looks like he is about to fight me on it, but letting out a soft growl, he backs off.

I am shook, but I don't dwell on it for more than a second, because my Mate needs me.

"Why the fuck can I not get into your mind?" I ask her, though I know she can't exactly tell me why.

"I can't take your pain away, Mate. I can't make it go if you won't let me in. Let me in, Mate" I beg and her body shudders in my arms.

My own body tenses at that.

"You c-ca-n nott ta-ake the-e pai-in Alpha" She stutters out a few seconds later and I am taken aback.

"Did Selene tell you that Mate?" I ask on cue. When she nods her head, I feel an emotion other than fear run through my veins.

It is rage.

Red. Hot. Seeting. Rage.

"Oh my fucking Moon" I fist my hair with one hand, and hold on to her as tightly as possible with the other. As if she will slip away if I loosen my hold.

"It's not your fucking pain!" I accuse.


"Did you bind your fucking life with anybody, Mate?"

I am not treated with an answer to my question, but instead with blood. That she coughs out.

I pale on the sight. My Mate is puking blood.

This can't be good...

My hands shake as I wipe away at the corner of her mouth, praying that she doesn't notice the tremble in them.

"Did you bind yourself to anyone Delilah?" This time I back my question with Alpha command and though her face contours in pain, she nods.

"To whom?" I ask though I already have my doubts.

When she doesn't reply instantly, I grit out, "To whom did you bind your life with, Mate?" My hands cup her face.

"Mel-l and Teag-ue" she cries and I feel a part of me break.

I don't let it show though. Don't show her just how much it pains me that she is bonded to another Male.

The only good thing is, well nothing.

Nothing is good about this situation. Not a single fucking thing.

I leap over her and pick up her mobile from the nightstand and hack in to her call logs. At least some good came out of paying attention to Damon hack into thousands of computers in our teens.

When I find her witch friend's number, I diall.

She picks up the phone on the first ring.

"Del?" She croaks out as greeting. In the back of my mind, the part of me that is a compassionate Alpha notes the pain in her voice.

Hey, Mate! (Cursed Mates #1)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu