Chapter XX: Innocence Surrendered

Start from the beginning

Then it clicked. "It's Sabina, right?" She almost yelled, unexplainably happy all of a sudden.

Timothy's grin became wider, if that was even possible. He was now scanning the on line flight schedules of the airlines in his smart phone.

The need to go home and hug his girlfriend was uncontainable. The man's happiness was bursting.

"There you are! How's the meeting?" Bianca Sebastian's voice shattered the sibling's high spirit. She pecked her each children's cheek and sat across Timothy, leaving the chair on the young man's other side empty.

Out of nowhere, Darcy Madrid sat on the chair and instantly slipped her hands around the young heir's arms.

Margaret shot the Madrid lass a disgusting look. "You really waste no time, Darcy!" She hissed.

Looking nauseated, Timothy pulled his arms away from the young woman. He looked at Darcy with repulsive expression and fortunately, the latter was receptive enough to feel his distaste.

She withdrew and put her hands on her lap. This wordless but harsh exchange between the two vanished the older woman's good mood.

"Theo!" She snapped.

"My objective here is finish so Maggie and I are going home!" Timothy's voice was firm and final.

"We will leave aboard the soonest flight we could catch." He added while glaring at his mother.

The matriarch smiled mockingly. "Oh, you can't do that dear, you two have closed tickets." She said while waving at one of the uniformed waiters.

"Menu, please." She stated charmingly as if everything was fine.

"Ma!" The man's voice was higher this time. His mouth was set in a hard thin line making his jaw more prominent.

The matriarch shot him a warning look. "Give it a rest, Theo. You will spend Christmas here with dear Darcy and me, then after the New Year celebration that's when we are all go home. Don't you want to see Eiffel Tower bathe in fireworks ha, Maggie?" She darted her glance to her only daughter.

"No! I'd rather watch fireworks with Tim, Papa and Sabina." She annunciated the last name with emphasis and relished the almost-crying look on Darcy's square face.

"You will not go home!" Bianca muttered under her breath, giving her two children an extremely furious look.

"Watch us, Ma!" Timothy stood up forcefully, making his chair to topple over. The loud sound made the patrons of the posh place to look towards their direction. The young man grabbed the envelopes and his laptop bag from the table and headed for the door.

Scrambling, Margaret followed her angry brother but on her way out she opened her mouth.

"Advance Merry Christmas, Ma! Enjoy the holiday with your dear Darcy! Send us a post card, okay?" She hollered while blowing them a kiss.


As soon as they reached the sanctuary of their hotel room, the siblings grabbed their suitcases and started packing. "We need to go shopping tomorrow, Tim. I need to buy something for Sab, Tricia, James, Ethan and TJ." The model stated all of a sudden.

Timothy quirked his brows upon hearing his sister's words. "TJ? When did you two become so close? And who the hell is Ethan?" The young man was unable to hold his tongue, the two grew up close so he couldn't help but be protective of his only sister.

The model was unfazed by her brother's inquiry. "TJ have been always kind to me and he is part of the group so I need to get him something. And Ethan is a friend from work." She replied readily.

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