Chapter two

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"Alright, buddy," Marlin Burns leaned down, resting a hand on his son's shoulder. "First day of school, and you'll do great."

Nemo looked back at him, eyes brave. He nodded. "Yeah, I know, dad."

Marlin straightened up. "How's the lucky arm?"

Nemo's expression brightened and he held it out cheerfully. "Lucky."

Nemo was born with a slightly shorter left arm, so Marlin gave it the nickname. Nemo had learned not to feel self-conscious about it ever since. Mostly.

"Do you want me to walk you to class?" Marlin said, suddenly feeling uneasy.

Nemo rolled his eyes and looked around embarrassedly. "Da-ad," He groaned. "This isn't elementary school anymore. I don't want to be seen on the first day of middle school with my dad."

Marlin smiled. "Sure. Yeah,"

Nemo nodded and turned, starting towards the school.

"Don't forget your classes," He called. "And don't be afraid to talk to people!"

Nemo glanced behind him nervously. "Dad!" He hissed.

"I love you," Marlin waved as his son disappeared in the crowd of students. "Be safe."

"Don't worry about him," A man's voice said.

Marlin turned to see three men, waving as their kids ran into the school. The shortest, stockiest one had spoken, his face pink.

The man next to him gawked at Marlin. "Are you that Detective Burns? The suspect of that explosion in Sydney?"

Marlin winced, remembering how he had almost been caught after blowing up the agency in Australia several years ago. No one even knew why they called themselves PSWay or what it stood for, but he had learned secrets about that agency. Secrets that included experiments on humans, assassinations, kidnappings. So, in his young recklessness he blew up the headquarters. They caught him but determined him innocent. Marlin suspected the serial killer who had murdered his family was sent by that same agency, and had been attempting to track them down since.

"That's me," He replied, still straining his neck to catch Nemo's face in the crowd.

A thin, tall man in a suit cocked in eyebrow. "Hey, don't worry about your kid. They're starting the year off with a field trip."

"Yeah," The stocky one chimed in. "They're going to the Canyon. Won't that be fun?"

Marlin spun around. "Wait, the Canyon? In Baxter?"

"Uh, yeah. You got something against field trips?" Was the response.

Marlin rushed up to him. "Why would they go to the Canyon? That place is one the most dangerous places in the city." He cried.

"Woah, whoa, man. There's no need to get so worked up."

"Look," He said. "The Canyon isn't some tourist Grand Canyon fun town. The ground is extremely unstable."

"Talk about overprotective," The skinny one murmured.

"Baxter is the county with the highest crime rates of the whole city," He said indignantly. "When're they going on this field trip?"

"I think it was at... ten? Ten thirty?"

Marlin clapped a hand on his shoulder. "Thanks,"

Nemo watched through the bus window as the buildings zoomed by. He was fascinated by middle school so far, and ecstatic about the idea of a field trip so early in the year.

There was a gang of kids sitting right behind him, and he instantly knew he wanted to meet them. After eleven years of an overprotective single dad, he was ready to latch on to any sign of rebellion.

When the bus screeched to a stop, he was delighted to see their destination—the Canyon. He knew it was extremely dangerous, that the ground could crumble under your feet in a second.

As the students piled out of the bus, they were all gathered around under a pavilion. Despite the heat, Nemo was enjoying himself, and listened attentively as the guide babbled on about the history of the Canyon.

After a while, though, his attention faltered and his eyes glazed over. He began to observe his surroundings, wondering how many feet down the Canyon was.

"Psst," A finger tapped on his shoulder. A boy stood behind him, his brown hair cropped close. That same group of kids stood to the side, beckoning him over.

Nemo pointed to himself and mouthed, "Me?"

The boy laughed silently and nodded. Nemo glanced back at the guide, who was busy tying a shoelace. He looked back at them.

"Okay," He whispered awkwardly, then quickly followed them.

"We're going to go see the Canyon up close," A girl explained as they all headed towards the cliff. The braver ones ducked or jumped over the railing built a few feet from the Canyon. They playfully pushed each other, jumping and daring each other to sit on the edge.

"Ooh, take a look at that van," A boy said, pointing at a white car parked on a blocked off bridge built across the Canyon. "I wonder what the symbol's for."

"My dad said it's some important organization," A girl said, twirling a pink skirt.

"My grandma said it's run by a demonic old man that comes out and kills you when you touch his vans." Someone else said, imitating hobbling on a cane.

"I don't think we should mess with that," Nemo said uneasily. "That bridge is blocked off."

"So? I'm not scared," The kid with the short hair crowed. He went to the edge of the bridge and held up his hand, making it look like he was touching the van. "Hey, look guys! I'm touching the big, scary van!" He started cowering and screaming. "Ah, don't hurt me, demon grandpa!"

The kids started cracking up, and another went even farther, stepping over the chain boundary. He held out his hand.

"Look at me, I'm even further!"

Then it kept going, kids going a few inches closer to the van but not actually touching it. Soon everyone had gone except Nemo.

"Ah, come on, Nemo," A girl said. "You haven't touched the van, yet. You scared?"

"Yeah, are you scared?" Others chimed in, making clucking noises.

"No, I'm not," Nemo said indignantly. "And I'll actually touch the van."

The kids gave mocking gasps as he marched over to the bridge. 

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