True Love

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I knew full well what he meant. It was all apart of the lesson we learned in school. A prince kisses a princess to break a spell. But it's not just any kiss. No wonder why Ladybug couldn't break the spell.

It needed to be true loves kiss.

I sat in bed thinking about that.

That's what he was gonna say. In order for the kiss to work it had to be true loves kiss, meaning...

I wasn't sure what it meant. Did it mean we both loved each other? Or were we both made to love each other. Or did he just love me? Does he love me? Too many questions clouded my judgement, blocking the one real reason it worked.

I love him.

But I didn't know that. That's one thing I've never thought could possibly happen. Something that was impossible with my life. Loving was not something I knew about, not completely. If it involved other people I was full of knowledge, myself on the other hand, no clue.

A knock came from my balcony window. I didn't know who to expect, Ladybug and Cat both visited often, mostly for a quick break. I open the curtains, seeing the familiar outline of cat ears. I turn the lights on and open the door. He comes in, shivering.

"Are you ok?" I grab a blanket from my bed, wrapping it around his body. He looked wet, it was raining outside. "You should change back"

He does, letting Plagg fly free. He was standing in his normal dry clothes, but his hair was still wet and dripping onto his nose. I get a towel and toss it on his head.

"You shouldn't be outside in the rain. I know you have a job to do but your health can get in the way of it"

I let him sit down on my bed, warming up. He dries his hair, the blanket falls from his shoulders and he starts shivering again.

"Hey, how about some hot chocolate?" His face brightens at the thought of something warm.

I go downstairs and make some. Plagg followed me, complaining about how I should leave the fridge door open so he can eat Camembert freely. I get him some cheese and go back upstairs. I pass the hot chocolate to Adrien, he was very thankful.

"Don't worry about it," I sit next to him, placing the blanket over his shoulders once again. His cheeks were a red colour, most likely from the cold. "So, are you gonna be staying for a bit or do you have to get back out there?"

"I'm done, so I guess I can stay"

"Great! Wanna watch a movie?" I go on Netflix, picking out a great horror movie we both agreed on. I wrap the other end of the blanket around me, so it was covering both of us. It was the only blanket I had on my bed, other than the sheets, so we had to share.

We were huddled side by side watching the movie, a blanket keeping the distance between us small. It was getting very late, but I didn't seem to notice since it was Friday. I always stayed up late on weekends.

Adrien puts the glass down on the floor, finished with the drink. The movie started to get creepier and scarier, not that either of us were scared. We were both leaning against my wall, sitting comfortably on the bed.

A face pops up on the screen, making me jump from the loud and suspenseful music. Adrien grabs my hand, seemingly trying to calm me down. He thought I was actually scared. I don't do anything, letting him hold my hand, enjoying the feeling.

The funny thing is that I thought I was going to know when I fell in love, that I was going to feel all the feelings you feel when you have a crush. The nervousness when you see them. The shock of when they accidentally brush against you. But I didn't experience any of that. I had no clue I was in love, but it just happened.

The movie finished, Adrien suggested I put on another and I did. During this one I started to feel drowsy, unable to keep control of my eyelids. They closed, I could feel my head start to tilt and it falls, causing my body to fall. I was laying on my side, my head resting on Adrien's lap. I felt the blanket over me being moved to cover my body. He brushes the hair out of my face and I finally fall asleep.

Love is complicated. Sometimes you can't tell the difference between love and hate. True love is hard to achieve, when you do find it happiness is bound to follow, but not always right away. You may not know you're in love until the last moment. You may know you're in love from the second you lay your eyes on them.

But love does conquer all.

Granddaughter of the Great Guardian (Adrien x OC)Where stories live. Discover now