Stormy Weather

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"Lara, wanna come with us to the park?" Alya asks through the phone.

"Sure, I'll be there in a sec," I grab my things and cross the road to the park.

"Wow, when you said a couple of seconds you weren't kidding," Alya says with a laugh.

"Yeah I live right there actually," I motioning to my house.

"Marinette who's that?" A little girl asks pointing to me.

I kneel down to her height. "I'm Lara, what's your name?"

"I'm Manon!" She seemed very excited.

Our group starts to walk around, passing by a fountain. Behind it sat Adrien and a photographer. The photographer was being very loud, not a care in the world about the others at the park. Adrien turns around, notices us and waves. Me and Alya wave back happily, Marinette needs some help from Alya. However she waves back, a big smile appearing on her face.

She totally likes him. But Ladybug and Cat Noir, what would happen if they got together? I know it's happened before but I didn't hear the end result.

We were all over at the carousel, Manon having the time of her life. I sat on a nearby bench watching and reading a book. When I look up Ladybug was by the carousel, which had been surrounded in thick ice. I pack my book away, and run over to help get Alya and Manon free.

"Ladybug, you should go find the villain. I'll stay here and watch them until help comes," I say, she hesitantly leaves. Soon firefighters arrive and start hacking at the ice, this was my cue to meet back up with the heroes.

I walk outside the park, looking for any sign to show me where they went. In front of me was a big tv screen, displayed on a building. Stormy Weather, the akumatized villain, was on the screen.

She's at the studio.

I run to KIDZ+ studio, trying to keep hidden. I didn't want to have them thinking I was stalking them. Wyazz appeared beside me, hiding in my short hair.

"Master Fu said he wanted to speak with you after," Wyazz said from his perched position on my shoulder. I nod, agreeing.

I watch the doors, awaiting the heroes to reappear. Eventually they do with a blonde girl who had her hair in two pigtails. They both run separate ways, transforming back into their regular selfs. I go back to the park, knowing I would be seeing them.

Manon and Alya were both freed from the ice trap. I rush over, happy to see them safe. Marionette appears, doing the same.  I said goodbye, going to talk to my grandpa.

"Hey grandpa, there's something I wanted to ask you"

"What is that?" He turns around to face me, putting the box he had back in its place.

"What would happen if Ladybug and Cat Noir... got together?"

"Ahhh, it's quite simple. Although I believe you should be asking your parents that question"


"Because your parents..." he paused, making me feel very mad at him for holding out the answer. "Used to be them"

"What?" He was starting to confuse me.

"Your mother was Ladybug and your father was Cat Noir. When they married, they agreed to give up their kwamis. It is impossible for two kwami holders to, as you said, get together"

"Whoa. And here I am thinking it was fate that these two were the chosen ones. That they would both end up together, but now. Huh, thanks for telling me," I was a little disappointed because I knew what this meant.

Marinette wouldn't be able to be in a relationship with Adrien unless she gave up her kwami, something I know she wouldn't do easily.

Granddaughter of the Great Guardian (Adrien x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora