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Class was going smoothly, until the teacher went to a student in the back, I think his name was Nathaniel, who was asleep, and slammed her hand down on the desk. He wakes up, his tomato coloured hair moving with his head, and is told to go to the headmasters office.

On his way out the door he trips and drops something. It looked like a comic book, with drawings he must've done himself. Chloe picks it up, announcing how he drew himself as a superhero rescuing his crush, Marinette.

Chloe why do you have to be such a brat?

The teacher picks him up and places him back on his feet. He grabs his notebook from Chloe but a page rips as the teacher tries to grab it. Nathaniel walks out of the class, looking saddened by the humiliation.

The teacher started assigning groups for a project and presentation. I was put with Sabrina, Marinette and Chloe. Alya, Nino and Adrien were together. Class ended and I headed to the library, I was gonna meet the rest there.

I was looking through books, ones for the project and ones to read for fun. I hear a big outburst coming from behind the bookshelf I was at. I went to see what it was, thinking it was my group, but ran into Adrien.

"Oh, sorry"

"Don't worry about it"

I go to walk around him but hear something like a hair dryer and a scream. Peeking through the shelf, me and Adrien notice a huge flying hair dryer.

"Go transform, nobody else is here," I tell him. He shakes his head and transforms. I run around the bookshelf, seeing Marinette disappear behind another bookshelf to transform into Ladybug.

I lead Chloe and Sabrina out of the library, giving the others space to fight. I go back in after noticing the noise die down. Cat and Ladybug were standing behind a glass barrier, most likely created by the Evillustrator.

Time skip

I was with Ladybug and Cat, helping watch Chloe. Chloe was trying to get a picture with Ladybug, making her really annoyed. Chloe didn't seem to notice the annoyance in her features every time she took a photo.

"Hey, why are you here?"

"Ummm... I'm here to work on the project?" I said as a question, not knowing why I really was there.

"Oh, ok," she gives me a book. "Then start working"

Ladybug turns to leave, done with Chloe's attitude. "Let's keep in touch!" Chloe yells as Ladybug jumps off her balcony.

Marionette calls my cell phone after a while, saying I needed to tell Cat Noir to watch her, since she was the one the Evillustrator really wanted.

"Hey Cat, Ladybug told me to tell you you need to stop watching Chloe, she isn't in danger anymore. She needs you to watch Marionette"

"What about her?"

"Uh, she has a secret mission she needs to complete, so she said to take me with you"

"Alright," we leave Chloe's room and head for Marionette's house. We arrive, he lands but does not remove his arm from my waist. Before I can say anything about it Marinette answers the door.

Cat grabs her hand and kisses it, introducing himself. He finally removes his arm from my waist, turning around to explain why he was at her house. He was speaking very highly of himself. She starts to make faces, mocking everything he was saying. I put a hand over my mouth, trying to block out the laughing. Cat looks at me in the corner of his eye, but continues speaking.

He leaves, me and Marinette now alone. "What was his arm doing around your waist?" She says, wiggling her eyebrows up and down as if she knows something.

"Nothing. He brought me here from Chloe's, but I don't know why he didn't remove his arm right away. But you gotta go get ready for your date~" I say.

I went to the river outside of Notre-Dame, watching Marinette sit on a bench with the Evillustrator. I was watching as he drew music, I know it sounds weird but it happened. Cat Noir appeared, causing a big fight between the two guys.

I jump on the boat, trying to be of help, but end up getting trapped inside of a glass box along with the two others. Evillustrator gets away, leaving us on a sinking ship.

"Use your staff to get us out of here," Marinette says, taking the lead like always.


We both sigh, I grab it from his hands and it extends, lifting the box so we could escape. We got off the boat, which was sinking very slowly. Cat Noir runs to the hotel, Chloe being in danger once again.

"Go, he'll need the help," We chuckle, knowing she was thinking the same thing. She leaves, I head in the same direction Cat went.

When I arrived Ladybug was throwing around a bouncy ball, trying to destroy all sources of light. Then she de-evilizes the akuma, making everything go back to normal.

Granddaughter of the Great Guardian (Adrien x OC)Where stories live. Discover now