Chapter Two: What?

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"I'm serious!" Amy pouted.

Mrs.Anderson rolled her eyes.

"Cameron did eat my homework!"

"That's enough Ms.MacMillis," Mrs.Anderson snapped, "Detention."

Amy squeaked.

"B-but I-,"

"No buts."

I looked over at Cam, then sighed.

"Did you actually eat her homework?"

She stifled a laugh, which was quite a feat on her part, and nodded.

"It's not my fault she threw it at me," she said smirking. "Though it was better tasting then I expected."

I gaped at her. I've known Cam since, forever, and I know she's crazy. It didn't occur to me that she was this crazy.

She made a face. "Oh come on, Dez! I was only messing around."

"Messing around my butt," I scoffed.

Cam wiggled her eyebrows, "Gladly!"

My face scrunched up, "Ewww! Cam!"

Cam laughed, loud and obnoxiously, totally not caring about the fact that we were still in class.

Next thing I know, a large meter stick slammed on top of my desk, making me jump. I looked up and saw Mrs.Anderson, and she did not look happy.

"I guess there'll be two more for detention today," she said darkly.

"Wha-" I started, but was interrupted by Cameron's angry move-dance-thing that looked like a thrashing animal. I almost laughed at that.


Tears leaked out of Amy's brown eyes. Cam just smirked.

It was the end of class and we were sent to the dreaded detention room. Honestly, I didn't see what was exactly wrong with detention, because we are here by ourselves and we are doing no work. All was suppose to be quiet, till Cam challenged me to a arm wresting contest. While me and Cam wrestled, Amy kept track of the score on the white board. The score was:

Dez: 2

Cam: 3

"I-I give up," I said finally, putting my hands up in defeat.

Cam grinned wickedly. "Am I too good for you?"

"For your information, you one by one point!" I pointed out, interrupting Cam as she sung 'we are the champions,' or in this case, 'Cam is your Daddy.'

Cam made a face. "One very well earned point."

"If anything you should lose a point for your rough play," I said irritably, pointing at the red marks on my hand.

She rolled her eyes. "Come on! You should lose a point! You clawed off a quarter of my skin during a match!"

I snorted. "Must I remind you that you nearly ripped off my arm? It was merely defence-"

"I wanna try."

Both Cam and I turned around and saw a very elated looking Amy.

"I don't think you can handle it, Ames," I said, but Cam objected.

"Let her play," she said, her eyes gleamed.

Uh oh. Clearly Cam was planning something. But Amy didn't seem to notice.

"Who am I versing?" Amy chirped.

Cam smirked, "Me."

So here I am standing at the white board with a marker to keep track of the points. I kept my cellphone nearby just incase I'll need to call the ambulance. Amy is quite....fragile.

They grasp each others hand, waiting for the go. I found it a bit comical that Amy is relaxed and smiling because she obviously knows (or should know) that she will probably come out with her arm detached from her body.

But sooner is better than later. Might as well get on with it.


I hear a yelp. I look up and was expecting to see Amy on the ground, or Cam holding her limb, but no. I see a Cam holding her arm, cradling it.

"Jesus child!" Cam exclaims. "I have under estimated you!"

A slight fire burns in her eyes. "I call a rematch!"

And this is what has been going on in this detention room. Eventually, Cam's arm could only take so much before it went cold turkey. Cam was almost crying, while Amy was crying.

"A-Amy," Cam whispers. "I have one request."

"A-anything," Amy says, she averts her eyes, "I did almost break your arm."

Cam looks up at her. "I want one more rematch."

So they settle back in their chairs and grasp hands once more. Cam winces when Amy touched her hand. Amy sobs.


Amy goes easy on the struggling Cam. But all of a sudden, Cam's eyes gleamed and she smashed Amy's hand down on the table. Amy yelps in pain and then starts crying.

"Y-you tricked me!"

Cam smirks. "You fell for it!"

Amy throws herself on the closest chair and sobs.

In the middle of Cam's victory song, I hear a bang and the detention room door opens. Kesta walks in smiling.

"Ooohhhh! Someone's smiley today!" Cam teased. "Dez, get a camera! It's rare to see Kesta smile! Everyone mark this on your calendars!"

"What are you doing here?" I said, ignoring Cam's comment.

"I wanted to show you guys something," she said.

"Don't just stand there!" Cam says, "show us!"

Kesta grabs her purple laptop from her backpack and goes on YouTube.

"Remember that video we posted?" Kesta asks us.

"Yeah," I say slowly, "what about it?"

She points to the view count and my jaw drops.

"150 million views?!" I shriek.

"What?!" Cam and Amy scream at the same time. They run over and their jaws dropped.

"No way," I whispered.

Kesta looked amused. "But there's more."

She goes to her email account and clicks on a certain email.

"A producer wants to meet up with us and sign a record deal."

"Oh my-"

"GOSH!" Amy finishes for me, dancing around the room.

"We're going to be famous!" Cam squeals.

Kesta just smiles.

"We need to do proper preparations," I say, interrupting Amy's happy dance.

"What kind?" Cam asks.

I smile. "We need a band name."

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