Chapter One: The Video

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It started with a song. We just did a cover for one song, then boom! Record offers, concerts, and fame.

"Get the video camera!" Cam hollered.

Amy squealed happily, "Okay!"

Right now, we are in Cam's basement, getting ready for our mock music video. Weird enough, my aunt is an entertainer and she owns lighting equipment, a professional sound system, and a huge green screen. And what makes it even weirder is that she let us borrow these things.

I check if all of the equipment is in place and is working: lights-check, speakers-check, microphones- I tap on one of them and a shrill ring erupts in my ears.

"Hey!" Cam yells, covering her ears.

I flush, microphones-check.

I go to the 'instrument zone'. DJ kit-(I know I shouldn't touch or else Kesta will kill me) check, Drum-check, guitar-check.

All of a sudden, I hear a huge bang from above me, followed by footsteps running. Then Amy emerged from the staircase, still running.

"I've got the-AAAHHHHH!"

As if in slow motion, the video camera flies out of her reaching hands, soaring above Cam's head, and comes towards me. And through all of this, I'm thinking of how it's a beautiful day today, and the camera, magically fell into my arms.

"Oh my-"

"AMY!" Cam shrieks at the horrified Amy.

"If Dez hadn't caught it, oh I swear-"

"I'm here."

We all turn and see Kesta behind the trembling Amy. Kesta's blonde hair was straight and was covered by a black beanie. Her green eyes looked over at us.

"Like what you've done to the place," she says tossing her purse on a nearby chair.

"What now?"

I glanced at my makeup kit I brought for the video.

"Makeover time!"


Once all of the makeup was applied, and all of the hair has been done, we went looking for a change of clothes.

I passed by a mirror and looked at myself. My long brown hair was curled, and there was no pimples in sight. My expertly applied makeup (courtesy of Kesta Black) made my ocean blue eyes pop.

I looked over at my giggling friends. Cam's short brown hair was straightened, her grey eyes looked shimmery due to her eyeshadow.

Amy's auburn hair had been curled in perfect ringlets. She was a natural beauty, with always-curious brown eyes eyes.

But Kesta was the real beauty. Her shimmering blonde hair was also curled into stunning waves. Her serious green eyes lined with eyeliner looked absolutely breathtaking.

"Dez, can you please stop staring."

A very amused Kesta was standing in front of me, holding some clothes.

"Wear these, they'll look good on you."

I stare at the outfit and agree.

"Hurry up, guys!" Cam said elated. "It's almost show time!"

I quickly put in the clothes and run to my position in front of the mic. Amy was gripping her guitar happily, while Cam looked coolly at us from behind her drum set. Kesta quietly put on her head phones an started turning on her DJing stuff.(I don't know these things, okay?)

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