Chapter 3

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-Wesley's POV-

I closed the door behind me and smirked. I popped my collar proudly and chuckled. I knew what I had just did was wrong, but I didn't care. She needed to learn, and in a sense I figured she warranted it anyway. I walked down the hallway, looking into each of my workers offices and listening to the sound of my shoes making contact with the floor. I smiled to myself as I heard a noise behind me and saw Brooke coming out of the room, looking as if he had just woke up. I saw her look over at me and, I nodded at her slightly as if I was telling her to follow me and I started to walk off. She followed me. I walked to my office and Brooke followed. I faced the window. "I forgot to mention. We work a clean business here. If you plan on working here for a while, I suggest that you go get yourself cleaned up." I kept facing the window, with Brooke standing at the door. "Yes, Sir." She answered. I heard her shoes and I felt her presence leave my room and run down the hallway to the bathroom. I chuckled to myself softly, turned and walked to my desk and sat in my chair when the Clerk called. "Mr. Wesley? You have a gentlemen waiting down here. He says he needs to see you immediately." She announced. "Send him up." I answered and hung up the phone. Within a matter of minutes I heard a banging on my door. "Come in." I answered. And The man walked in. "Are you Mr. Wesley?" He asked. "Yes I am." I answered. I heard a gun cock and I felt something on the back of my head. "Turn around." He demanded. I put my hands up slowly and turned around and looked into the face of my business rival, Shane Levisay.  I smirked. "Well, hello there Shane. How are you?" I asked. "Shutup!" He screamed. I went silent. "You really did it this time. How dare you have sex with my fucking ex?" He said and he removed his gun from my head and waved it rapidly. I heard someone walk to my office room and look at Shane. "S-Shane?" I instantly recognised the voice. It was Brooke. He turned and looked at Brooke and without him expecting it, I grabbed his hand and twisted it behind his back, he screamed in pain. "Brooke!!" I yelled. She just stood there. Shane pushed me off of him and dropped the gun on my desk. "You wanna fight me like a man?! I'm right here!!" He yelled at me. I took off my jacket and folded up my sleeves. Shane threw the first punch but I dodged it. I grabbed him by the arm and punched him in the face, breaking his nose and making his lip bleed. He almost fell to the ground. My knuckles started bleeding. Shane kicked me in the stomach and punched me in my chin making me fall back and hit the wall, which I used for support. I held my stomach and pushed up off the wall. My lip started to bleed along with my nose. I kicked Shane in the balls and he fell to his knees. I punched him in his face and he fell to the ground. I punched him over and over and over again. My hands started to get his blood all over them until Brooke ran over and pulled me off of him. "Aiden! Stop!" She screamed. I left Shane on the floor with his nose almost pushed off his face and his lip completely open and bleeding. I looked at my hands and fell to the ground. "What have I done?" I thought to myself.

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