Back 2 School...

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It was the near end of December;

students came back from their Christmas vacations.

It was just another day at the school.

Just another boring day at my life,

but that all changed from one extraordinary announcement.

Earlier that moment, as usual I came to school together with my EXOTIC close friend.

She was an addicted LU HAN lover.

If you don’t know who LU HAN is, you are far worse than me.

Welcome to the world of EXOTICS.

Which happens to be within my zone.

Back to the topic, K-POP is now very popular I don’t know why.

I could ask my K-POP Fanatic friends but they all say the same thing.

Believe me,

I tried to know and I tried asking Virnel, Melody,

and especially Glaiza the ultimate perverted KAI fan.

Anyways, when we arrived at the classroom

we were welcomed with a warm Korean hello and nice to see you again!

Glaiza on the other hand was uhmm crazy as ever.

Always smiling with her brace smile

and Melody was as corny as ever.

“Hey! how's thae sem-break?” Glaiza asked with a smile.

“It was just Okay!” Virnel replied.

“I hate it. It was no fun at all

and I felt so less

I mean we only had 2 weeks of Christmas vacation.

It sucks!” Anna Mae complained.

“It’s better to have 2 weeks of vacation

than none I guess.” Glaiza stated.

“I suppose your right.” Anna Mae agreed.

“Hey guys!

We’re going to be late for flag ceremony!” I exclaimed.

“Ahh! I hate flag ceremony

it’s really hot and tiring!” Anna Mae complained again.

“Yeah it’s making me sweat all the time.

The heat from the sun is directly

shining down on us like I’m gonna burn.” Melody exclaimed.

“The program is very long

and there’s no shade to cover us from the heat.” Virnel added.

“C’mon guys we’re going to be late.

Complaints or not we are still obligated to join the flag ceremony.” I nagged.

“FINE! But that doesn’t mean that we like joining the flag!” all of them exclaimed.


  Anyeong!~~~ ^^ for those who are reading, thanks!! <3

sorry for the amateur writing... but soon ill improve it~

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