Jake's death

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Jake's p.o.v

I am in my apartment relaxing and then I start to prepare a meal for myself.then I go to the cabinet and get some alcohol and I pour some in a glass, I then sit down in the torn green sofa and watch the old tv.

Deaths p.o.v

The bottle of alcohol that Jake got, I made it explode Jake got up and he went into the kitchen and saw a spreading growing fire.Jake tried to put out the fire but it didn't work so he went to the window, he opened it then he jumped out.a garbage truck was coming to clean out the dumpster but sadly Jake fell into the dumpster.The truck picked Jake up and then Jake got crushed and he died.

Justin and Ashley have just arrived.

Where is jake, he said he lives here apartment 180.

First 180 was the clue and I think Jake is dead.

Why do you say that.

Because there is a coroner over there examining a body that looks like it has been crushed.

Lets go see Elizabeth winters again Ashley.

Right behind you.

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