the expert and a death

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Hey guys I found a expert on death,her name is Elizabeth and she cheated death a month ago and all her friends died but she survived because she tripped and a 16 year old girl fell on her and she died.but Elizabeth survived.


Well let's go see Elizabeth.

Molly and Sam are at Elizabeth's house now.

Hi are you Elizabeth?

Yes can I help you.


Well me and my friends cheated death on a bridge but now death is after us.


Take me to who is next on deaths list.

Note: now they are at this cafe named coffee corner


Oh hey Sam hey Molly who is the hot girl.


My name is Elizabeth and I'm here to help you cheat death.


Did you cheat death to.


Yes that's why I am here.

Well Sam who is next.


Alyssa you are next


Wait Alyssa you cheated death but you death never came for you.


I saved myself,I killed someone.


So it's peters turn to die.


Peter look out!!

Deaths p.o.v

There was a bus comming towards peter he moved then I made a flag pole fall and the flag pole went through him and he died.


Ahh peter ahhh ahhh.


Gross,Sam who is next on deaths list.


Me I am next I have to go.

Hey guys Ashley here and I want to think you for reading this story don't worry the story continues,this book has 2 final destinations in one book so keep reading my story and vote please.

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