the expert

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Sam's p.o.v

Me and Molly are going to see this expert named Elizabeth,she some how cheated death at the McKinley speedway.before leaving she saved 6 others and they died but somehow death didn't want to kill her.

Author's note
The characters Sam and Molly are at Elizabeth's house now back to the story.


Hello are you Elizabeth.


Yes can I help you.


My boyfriend Sam needs your help he cheated death and some others left with him and he said I survived,but four others already died and Dennis is next.


You want to know if there are any solutions to defeating death.


Yes but Elizabeth how did you survive.


Well Sam I actually fell fifteen stories and I landed on a mattress and I tripped when I stood up and I accidentally fell on a sixteen year old girl and she fell in the road and got hit by a bus and she died.


So how can they save themselves.


You have to kill someone to save yourself.


After Dennis Alyssa dies we have to save them.


Did you say Alyssa as in Alyssa Jason.


Yes why?


She died in my vision years ago but it skipped her somehow and Caleb and Kevin were the last ones to die.


Come on we have to save Dennis.


Be careful because death always finds a way to out smart you.



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