Leo and Mikey time!

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Suggested by Mikey-chan ! Mikey is bored, and what better to do than spend time with your oldest brother?

Mikey sighed deeply as he slammed his head down at the counter in the kitchen.

"Ow..." He mumbled. Today was just one of those days he knew wasn't going to be fun and he was right. When he asked Raph to play video games with him he had yelled no and locked himself in his room. When he had asked Donnie he had said he was busy and shut the door in Mikey's face.

So now, Mikey knew he should ask Leo next but he was a bit hesitant. To be honest, Mikey couldn't remember the last time he actually hang out with Leo with it being just the two of them. Leo was just always busy training or meditating. It made Mikey kinda sad to realise he almost never spend time with his oldest brother.

'Time to fix that then!' Mikey thought as he made his way to Leo's room. He knocked but didn't hear anyone answer from inside. He carefully opened the door to see the room was empty. Knowing Leo spend a lot of time practicing he made his way over to the dojo. Mikey walked into the dojo to see Leo just perfectly finish a kata.

"Hey Leo." Mikey greeted. Leo looked over to him and sheeted his swords.

"Hi Mikey."

"I was wondering, do you wanna do something together? Please?" Mikey pleaded in a voice voice. Leo thought about it for a moment.

"Mikey, I actually wanted to train a bit more-"

"That's the problem you deserve some time off too! Besides, I can't even remember the last time we did something together and it just... Worries me okay?" Mikey said looking down a bit. Leo looked at him a bit surprised. He tried to think back to when he and Mikey last spend time together and couldn't think of anything either. Leo frowned a little starting to feel guilty. He always trained hard so he could be a good leader and protect his brothers... But maybe he forgot that sometimes Mikey didn't need a leader, but a brother to be there for him.

"You know what? I think I can take a day off." Leo smiled at Mikey. Mikey's face immediately lit up causing Leo to laugh. Leo walked over to him and walked out of the dojo while Mikey skipped ahead.

"So... What do you wanna do?" Leo asked looking around the lair. Mikey suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"I have no idea..." He replied. Leo looked around the lair, they could play video games but then again they always did that. He looked towards the kitchen when an idea came to mind.

"Hey Mikey? Do you think you could try and teach me how to cook?" Leo suggested. Mikey whipped around to suddenly run towards Leo and surprise him by giving him a hug while he shook him around.

"Dude! That's the best idea ever! I thought you'd never ask!" Mikey exclaimed as he dragged Leo into the kitchen.

"So... What do you wanna make?" Mikey asked excitedly. Leo looked around the kitchen while he tried to come up with an idea.

"How about we cook or bake something that doesn't risk me setting the kitchen on fire." Leo said a bit embarrassed by the fact he couldn't make anything else than ramen.

"Well then... What about pizza?" Mikey suggested.

"I think we gotta do something a bit easier than that..." Leo sighed as he thought back to the time he, Donnie and Raph messed up the whole kitchen making something simple as breakfast. Mikey tapped his chin looking around before he spotted some flour on the counter.

"Oh! How about we make cookies!" He exclaimed. Leo laughed at his excitement and nodded a little before standing next to him at the counter.

"So... How do we start?" He asked a bit nervous.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2017 ⏰

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