He finally let go of my hair and I let out a relieved sigh, which he seemed to ignore because he harshly grabbed my upper arm and pulled me back to the room I was in before.

He tossed me inside and stood in the doorway, crossing his muscular arms over his chest. I stood a few feet away from him, and mimicked his actions. Only he looked like a powerful Alpha, while I looked like a stubborn child who just finished playing in the dirt.

"Clean yourself up and go back to sleep. Cipher will deal with you tomorrow." He slammed the door shut without another word. Dick.

Who is Cipher? I suddenly became a little scared. Why wouldn't he "deal" with me himself? He's going to send some random stranger to deal with me? I stumbled over to the bathroom and stripped myself of the night gown and panties I was wearing.

I wish I would've asked him who had been taking care of me. It certainly wasn't him and if it was I would be so beyond embarrassed if he saw me naked. I fiddle with the shower until the water is nice and warm. I comb through my hair and remove any of the tangles that Ajax created with his fingers.

I jumped in the foreign shower quickly, I just wanted to fall backwards into bed and never wake up again. I came out smelling like strawberries and coconut. Two of my favorite scents... I wonder if he knew that...

I wrapped a large fluffy white towel around my body and one around my hair before going into the closet. It was ginormous and it took me ten minutes to find where the pajamas were kept. Although it didn't take me long to realize half of these clothes were mine from back home. He must've sent someone to go and get them along with a few another things because there was a cardboard box in the corner labeled with my name.

I ignored the clothing and opened the box, my curiosity getting the best of me. I ripped the tape off and unfolded the top. Inside laid a bunch of sentimental nicknacks and family photos. I wanted to cry at the sight of my beautiful family, it had felt like an eternity had gone by since I last seen my father and mother. I placed the things back in the box, my heart began to feel heavy. I dressed myself in my favorite pairs of pajamas that I always wore back home. It was a purple short sleeve button up top with shorts which both had yellow duckies scattered a crossed them.

I exited the closet and turned all the lights off. I slipped into the large bed and covered myself with the blanket. I wasn't even going to try to escape because I could hear the calm breathing of someone standing outside my door, a guard most likely. I turned on my side and fell asleep to the beautiful glow of the moon.


"Jesus Ajax, when you're going to learn to respect women? You can't treat the future Luna of your pack like some rogue slut!"

"She's fine, okay? Also I am the Alpha and I sure as hell can do whatever it is that I please. I barely know the girl, so therefore she could possibly be a slut."

The sound of a smack resounded through the halls as I peacefully listened in on the conversation. I keep my breathing even and my eyes closed. I couldn't believe what was going and that Ajax could think such horrible things about me.

"That is our Luna. If you can't respect her then how is the pack supposed to respect you?" She spat. Ajax said nothing before the door knob jiggled a little and the door was opened and closed. There were light foot steps that crept over to the side of the bed, where I lay. I focused on my breathing, trying to make it as believable as I could.

"Octavia," She placed her hand on my shoulder and rubbed it soothingly. I turned to face her. Her deep blue eyes were identical to his. Dark, almost black waves fell around her shoulders. Her skin was flawless and pale against her red lips. It was immediately clear that she was related to Ajax. Which explains how she can talk to him in such a manner without being punished.

Forcefully Mated to HimWhere stories live. Discover now