Chapter 12

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Alex's P.O.V

I see Ray is chained to the wall and has darts in his body. He's in a lot of pain. Stefan is sitting at the table across the wall and is stirring a glass of a drink with Wolfsbane in it with a dart end.

I'm sitting on Klaus's lap because he made me. Like literally I had no choice and I would have gotten a chair...but nope, I'm sitting on Klaus's lap because it's pointless to fight him at this point.

Stefan takes the dart out and throws it at Ray. Klaus is just sitting next to them and watching. I'm still drinking bourbon because someone has to represent Damon here, right? And everyone else is acting as though nothing unusual is going on.

"Ray, you can end this right now. Just tell us where your pack gathers for the full moon." I said because I don't want to be here anymore.

"I can't." I sighed and put my bottle of bourbon on the table next to me and Klaus. I looked at Ray and his eyes held loyalty to his pack.

"I know, I know. You live by a code and all that, but see Klaus isn't not gonna let Stefan stop until you tell us. And Stefan, stupidly, does whatever he says so, that's the way it goes around here...sadly. Plus I would get you out but I can't because I can't leave my little brother unsupervised. So I'm asking from the bottom of my heart, tells where they are so we can leave this damn bar." I said and a woman walks over to Klaus.

"Hello, mister Klaus. I have some more information for you." Stefan hears her and walks over to us. "You told me to tell you if I saw anything." Stefan is now eavesdropping on us don't ask how I know I just do. "The guys spotted Damon at the farmhouse." She said. I just placed my head on Klaus's shoulder.

"Well, thank you, Claudine. You'll just tell your friends to keep up the good work."

"Will he ever learn?" I asked my little brother and I saw Stefan shake his head no.

"Older brother still on our trail?" Stefan asked and I nodded.

"He's getting closer, I'm gonna have to deal with that," Klaus said and went to get up. I stayed on his lap in order to give Stefan the chance to go and deal with Damon instead. Stefan took my hint and stood up instead.

"No, no, no! Let me handle it." Stefan said.

"Why should I let you leave?" Klaus asked him.

"Cause, you'll know I'll come back," Stefan said and I looked at Klaus.

"Do I?" Klaus challenged.

"You saved our brother's life; we're at your service." Klaus looked at me. "You can trust him," I said and Klaus looked at Stefan.

"Ah, you sound so tedious and indentured. Aren't you even having the least bit of fun?" Klaus said and points to Ray with a big smile.

"I'll make sure that my brother doesn't bother us anymore," Stefan said and walks away.

"God help you, brother," I said and Klaus laughed.

"I won't need it," Stefan said to me as he walks out.

"I wasn't talking about you," I said and saw Stefan freeze in place before walking off. And if any of are wandering way he froze, it's because Stefan thinks I will follow him. Plus I'm kind of being a bitch right now and Stefan is scared of me right now.

"What was that about?" Klaus asked and I looked at him before shaking my head.

"Nothing important," I answered and snuggled my head into his neck trying to sleep. Maybe sleep will calm my nerves.


Ray is lying on his back on a pool table. I standing in front of him since Klaus is standing beside him. "Okay, it's a three-step process, Ray. This is step one. I want you to drink from my wrist." Klaus said told Ray.

"I already told you where to find the pack. What more do you want from me?" Ray said.

"Have you been listening to a word he's been saying, Ray? Apparently, he has great plans for you." I said with sarcasm and disbelief. Klaus then cuts his wrist and makes Ray drink his blood.

"You'll thank me for it later, huh. There we go, attaboy!" Klaus said and Stefan walks in behind me.

"What are you going to do now?" Ray asked Klaus and he looked down at him.

"It's time for step two, Ray," Klaus said and broke his neck. Klaus then looks at Stefan. Stefan looks at him unemotionally.

"You're back," Klaus said and looked at him.

"You owe me $50," I said and he sighed then handed me fifty dollars. "Pleasure doing business with you."

"Did you two beat on if I was coming back?" Stefan asked and I shook my head.

"Not for a second. I knew you'd pass the test. You still care for your brother, for your old life." Klaus said.

"Nah, I don't care about anything anymore," Stefan said.

"Ok, who are you and what have you done to Stefan Salvatore?" I asked him and he rolled his eyes.

"Nice to know my sister still in their somewhere." Stefan shot back and I saluted him with a fake smile.

"You put on a good show, Stefan. I almost believe you. Let's hope, for your brother's sake, he does. You never stop caring about family, do you? Just like your sister. But, every time you feed, the blood makes it easier to let go." Klaus said to him.


Stefan exits the bar and walks outside into the parking lot. I looked at Klaus and he looked at me as well. "What's he doing?" Klaus asked me. Calling Elena. But I just shrugged and he walked over to me.

"What's up?" I asked and he knelt in front of me. I looked at him and he laughed at me.

"Do you like me as a person?"

"I-I don't know." He looked down and I lifted his face up so he looked at me. "But I think I could...with time," I said and he smiled.

"I guess it's good we have forever then," Klaus said and I smiled. Stefan walked back in and we left with Ray.

Only His [A Klaus Mikaelson Love Story] (Book 1) *OLD VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now