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The light was blinding, I squinted a little till my eyes adjusted it was an arena, like the one my dad took me to watch the gladiators fight when I was smaller, when me and the mysterious man reach its centre, he gave me a sword,

I have never seen the likes of this sword before, it was big, with a golden hilt and its blade was double edged, it glittered in daylight, it seemed kinda heavy at first but it adjusted somehow and became perfectly balanced,

he asked me to wait there, and that the sacred four will soon meet me here, I was waiting, there was an audience that surrounded the arena, but they did not look like ordinary people, they all wore black assassin's uniform like the other guy, I was the only one in red

I stood there till I heard a noise, I didn't notice before but they seemed to be a gate there, I could hear a noise coming from behind it, I move cautiously towards it to find out what lays behind as I take my first step, the gate begins to raise, the fear of what laid behind was all that was in my mind,

a boar stepped out of the gate, and it wasn't your average boar, this boar was twice the size of a giant, just then from the same entrance, a girl was pushed in of the same door I came in through, she had long dark hair and was about my age, she had the perfect figure, but she dressed differently, she wore armour, that was fitted for a woman, she had two giant blades hanging on her back, and her suit of armor was red...

Who is this girl, the boar stared us down for a while, it looked hungry, it snorted aggressively at us, I was signaled by the girl to be quiet, I listened to her, the whole get up just gave me the impression that she knows exactly what she's doing, I step back slowly as she did and the boar just watched us, then I mistakenly stepped on a twig, *crack*,

Just like that, the boar snapped, it charged at me, I jumped away harmlessly and summon my bow and arrows, I draw three arrows on my bow and fire them simultaneously, they all stuck in the boar, it squealed in pain, then the boar grew in size, was that normal? Was it just me that saw it?

I fired another arrow, bullseye, right in its side, it squealed and grew even more, "stop making it angry, making it angry makes it bigger" something's wrong with this girl, "then how do we kill it, do we kindly suggest it committing suicide" I said trying to be funny, she wasn't amused by the looks of it, she wore a helmet but her expressions were easy to read "No, you do by delivering an instant death attack" is she crazy,

"you can't kill a thing like that with one hit" she looked at me and said "you can by getting it on a weak spot" she leaped up into the sky, so high that she towered the boar, then started falling in full speed towards the boar's head, the boar looked at her furiously, and it even grew with that, but she didn't waver, she pulled out her two mighty swords that rested on her back and delivered them through the boar's head, and with that, the boar crumbled,

she followed it till it fell down on the floor and unsheathes her sword from the boars head,  she wipes off the blood on her sword on the boar's fur and sheathes the swords back in their appropriate scabbards,

I could only wonder, who is this girl and why was she able to do such amazing things, I learnt sword fighting, but nothing to the likes of hers, she was remarkable,

she stood there calmly and removes her helmet, and you could see her dark long hair flowing freely, her eyes that glittered like the sea being kissed by the morning sun, she had perfect skin, she practically glowed, at that moment, she was a goddess on earth,

"why are you staring at me like that" oh my God, she caught me, ugh uhh, "I was wondering how you jump so high" she smiled and placed her finger on my chest and brought it down slowly "wouldn't you like to know" she said in a soft, attractive way, of course I wanted to know who she was, she was remarkable, I even forgot the mortal peril we had just undergone, then my brain began to ring... It was the sacred four

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