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Did she just say what I think she said? "Why... Why do you want me to go home?" I ask, my confusion mixing with frustration.

She avoids my gaze, her voice low. "It's too dangerous... You are too important to die," she murmurs softly, almost painfully.

What is she even talking about? So what if I'm supposed to be alive to kill that beast... It wouldn't feel right to just bail now. "No... I'm not running. I thought I was supposed to be the guardian of this village, supposed to protect it from all evil, not just the beast..."

Everyone goes silent. I push on, "I know how my mom died and I know why you don't want me in the war... I had this dream—the village was on fire, giants ripping villagers from their homes and killing them right there... But the worst part was seeing my mom pinned down by the beast, and it killed her..."

Aunt Liza gives me this sad look. "I should have known the dream would reveal itself to you. I hope you understand now why I don't want you in the war."

"No, I don't," I say firmly. "That just gives me more reason to fight... What if this is my only chance to kill the beast? Or what if I'm not around and the giants destroy this village?"

Before she can respond, the door swings open and Apsychos and Susanna walk in. The room falls silent until Susanna locks eyes with me and says, "I know where to find Marshall Crane."

The wind chills my skin as we prepare to confront the Crooked Blade. Everyone's dressed down, trying to blend in, but honestly, I'm terrified. We spot a building marked with a big logo featuring two swords crossed behind a shield, and a sign that reads "Nathan's Blades." Susanna leads, pushing open the door. Inside, she strides up to a dark-haired, light-skinned guy at the cash register.

"Nathan, I'm here to see Marshall," she announces. Nathan smiles wryly. "Sorry, Anna... The boss doesn't want you back here after last time. Gonna have to ask you and your friends to leave."

I step up before Anna can blow a fuse. "Hey man, I'm not with them. Just want to know how much for the sword," I say, playing it cool.

He eyes me suspiciously. "Ten gold pieces."

I gesture to Aunt Liza for some cash since all I have are six bucks, which are useless here. She understands and hands over the money. I exchange it for the sword, but it feels unbalanced in my grip.

Trying to summon that ball of energy I felt during my last fight with Susanna, I leap over the counter swiftly, pressing the sword against Nathan's neck. "How do we get in?" I demand, my voice steady.

"There's a lever under my desk; it opens a trap door," he whispers, eyes wide with fear.

Susanna pulls the lever and a door in the floor swings open, revealing stairs leading down. "Thanks," I mutter before knocking him out with the hilt of the sword.

As we descend, the energy fades, and I stagger slightly, feeling weak but managing not to faint. Susanna taps my shoulder, "You alright? You seemed off for a second."

"I'm OK, it's just..." Explaining why I was able to beat her seems dumb right now.

"It's nothing," I assure her, hoping she'll let it go.

We walk in silence until I can't hold back my questions anymore. "Susanna... Why do you hate me?"

She sighs. "I don't hate you, it's just... I was really close to your mom."

Did everyone know my mom? She continues, "She never told me she had a son. I always thought I'd take over as the Red Hood. When I heard it was you, I felt..."

"Jealous?" I venture, hoping I'm not about to make her angrier.

"Yeah, exactly... Sorry I was rude to you," she admits, surprising me with her candor.

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