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Its been two days, I've barely had any sleep, Susanna, aunt Liza and Apsychos stop by, but I barely pay them any attention, even Maurice comes by from time to time, it was nice though, they dropped by some food and water when they came.

I would like to get out and socialise but I can't, the beast took away someone from my life, I wasn't sure if I loved Ruth, but she still meant a lot to me, now she's dead and its the beast's fault, I'm not going to let him do this again, even though he's scared now, I can't take any chances, I need to be as strong as possible,

I know there is some very valuable knowledge inside this library, like that a power is added to the next red hood along with the others the previous hood possessed, and that the wolf will have an equally terrifying new ability as it evolves, its a sick cycle if you ask me, who made these rules, like the lava eagle men, they used to be people, I bet the first red hood didn't have any of these powers, but still it must have been easier for him than fighting, winged men that throw up lava,

Wait... The first red hood... Why didn't I think of this earlier, the wolf was probably alive during the times of the first red hood, but who is he?... "Who is the first red hood!!!" I yell at the library, then a book comes flying to me, it lands harmlessly on the table I was seated at, on it read 'Mason Magma's Journal', who is that, I read.

(Mason Magma's Journal)
I was only 12, my father told me he was off to do some errands, my mum followed him, she was supposed to stop by and visit her friend, they didn't know that they were going to die, they were mugged and killed by the crooked blade, it was a society of criminals formed by an evil man bearing the name, Jonathan Crane, I swore that day that no evil shall go unpunished. I was only a kid but acted as a man, I took up responsibilities all children feared at my age.

I was 13 now and needed to be at least 16 to join the village's defence, they called themselves the sword and shield, most people joined it for the fame, I just wanted to join it for a means to do justice, when I approached them they laughed at me, they felt a kid like me would be useless to them, they kicked me out, I went back home,

you see the thing is, I was orphaned at 12 and been living on my own for a year, if I needed food I hunted, if I needed warmth I made a fire, I had relatives, but I felt embraced and loved by the loneliness, the grief was my friend, the blood of my parents were my motivation, my father had this old raggedy clothes he wore to go hunt,

As I was refused a place in the sword and shield I decided to pick up my Father's cloth and become a vigilante, my goal was to strike fear into the hearts of criminals and hope into the eyes of those who have been deprived of the pleasure of justice, I was to make sure no kid suffered the same faith I did, I was only 13 but it was a task I was willing to take.

It wasn't long that night till I had found my criminal, he was stealing jewelry from a house not too far away, I decided to use stealth and become friends with the shadows, I dropped in from a window, wait... I knew this man... He was my father's friend,

"Mason?" Said the man in shock, "uncle Leonard?" He walked over to give me an explanation, but I didn't need one, he was doing evil, so he had to be punished, I let out an arrow to go through his chest and disappeared into the night, that was my first blood, and I wasn't phased, I was thirteen, just killed a man and I didn't care, in fact, it brought me warmth that the likes of him had died by my hand,

Though I felt great, I needed to be more cautious, I needed to conceal my identity, if they found a kid like me was doing this stuff, only God knows the kinda treatment I'd get. I think that my parents had horrible friends, even though I didn't want to live with any of them, it would be nice for them to check up, now that I think of it, my parents barely got a burial, I just found their dead bodies and dug them up and said a prayer,

RED HOOD ✔Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα