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I was supposed to be celebrating tonight, but instead, this strange encounter has me rattled, my confusion clear to everyone around me. I feel their eyes all on me, they're filled with concern. Aunt Liza's hand on my shoulder brought me back from my troubled thoughts.

"What did he tell you, Vincent?" Her eyes pierced into mine, searching for what it is that could be troubling me so.

"It was nothing," I lied, managing a smile. "Just thought I saw something." I hoped she believed me; I didn't want her to worry. Suddenly, a wave of dizziness washed over me. I had pushed my powers too far, and I staggered slightly. Thankfully, I regained my balance quickly, but not quick enough to escape Aunt Liza's sharp gaze.

"You okay, Vince?" Her voice was soft yet filled with concern.

"I'm just tired," I murmured, knowing I couldn't tell her the truth yet. "Can we head home?" She nodded, and we left for the safety and privacy of her house.

Once there, the living room became our gathering place. I sat on the couch, flanked by Apsychos and Susanna, with Aunt Liza sitting across from us in her old wooden chair. The conversation inevitably turned to the strange powers that seemed to take hold of me during danger.

"So, every time you duel, this happens?" Susanna asked, her brow furrowed.

"It's more than just dueling," I explained, feeling the weight of each word. "Whenever I'm in danger, it feels like this force inside me awakens. It takes over my movements and floods my mind with tactics and spells I never knew."

"That explains how you summoned your bow without being taught," Susanna noted, her expression a mix of awe and concern.

Aunt Liza looked puzzled and worried. "I wish I could help, Vincent. These are things that far surpass my understanding... If only your mother was here..."

Her words made me miss my mother even more, not for her wisdom in war or magic, but for the way she could make everything seem manageable. Suddenly, there was resolve in Aunt Liza's eyes, "Be up bright and early Vincent, I think I may have found a solution to our problem" she says optimistically. I listen and return to my bedroom to call it a night.

That night, I fell into a deep dream. I was in the midst of a fierce battle, riding a griffin and wielding magic against foes in the sky. But as I landed and removed my hood, I realized it wasn't me—it was my mother, Moira, the legendary Red Hood herself. She was powerful, fearless, exactly how I remembered her from the stories.

I woke up to a room still cloaked in darkness, then I catch a glimpse of my window and I see what looks like a pair of red eyes. It was just my imagination, I told myself, trying to shake off the fear.

Aunt Liza's voice calling me to wake up came sooner than I wanted. "Didn't get any sleep?" she asked, holding my red hood in her hands.

"Just woke up," I lied, putting on the hood and meeting Anna outside my room. We walked downstairs together, joining Apsychos and soon Maurice, who had apparently been working on something important for Aunt Liza.

We left for a place Aunt Liza called the Polýtimes Gnóseis, or the hooded library, a vast old building filled with knowledge passed down through generations of Red Hoods. "This place holds every secret from the first Red Hood to your mother," Aunt Liza announced, her voice echoing among the towering shelves.

I wasn't sure what to expect, but when a book on Red Hood legacies flew towards me as if recognizing its master, I knew this was no ordinary library. Flipping through its pages, I learned about controlling nature and spells that my ancestors wielded.

Then, a low growl echoed through the library, and a voice filled my mind

"Beast show yourserlf you are there" this feeling of my mind being invaded; it is far too familiar. However I refuse to cower.

Disalarm yourself Vincent, I am not the beast you think I am 

"Then who are you?" I asked still maintaining my fighting stance,  refusing to let my guard down.

Vincent just like the beast I am eternal, but I do not need the death of a hood for my survival, I was chosen by the first red hood to be his companion, when he died I decided to continue to be the company of the hoods, I have devoted my life to aiding your bloodline... as your mother died I took it upon myself to guard the library, now I am here to aid you master 

"Master? That's new" I walk towards this hole that seems to be bottomless, I then look up and see an equally sized hole, "why can't I see you?" 

 Is that what you wish? for me to be seen 

 I don't know if I'd want to see this beast, I have to, he served my mum, he might tell me more about her "yes, yes I do" there was this sound erupting from beneath the hole, just then a flash of light flew from the hole and up the hole on the roof, I rush outside and saw the beast I saw in my dream, the one my mum flew on, it landed in front of me, "who are you"

I am Kendra, mount and aid of the red hood.

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