Chapter Seventeen ♥ "The reply"

Start from the beginning

Here, my heart sank, my eyes widened and I felt as if the earth was swept away beneath my feet. May be I hadn't heard her well. I shook my head in bewilderment and managed to mouth a; "What?"

"Oh c'mon. Now don't look so shocked. We knew you'd say 'yes' in the end. And Hamad didn't want to keep them waiting for so long."

"What do mean by don't look so shocked? Are you serious? You agreed to my marriage with this man without even waiting for my answer." I raised my voice, and slapped her hand away from my knee.

"Mahra, don't make such a big fuss about it. Hamad said he had talked to you that day and you had almost agreed."

"Almost is not completely, Reem."

"But you agreed to it now, didn't you? without anyone pressurizing you." Reem stated, calmly.

"And what if I hadn't? What would've you and your brother done then? Force me into marrying against my will." I breathed. "What kind of a girl do you think I am? Which century do you think I am from?"

"We knew you'd eventually say 'yes'."

"How can you be so sure, when I myself didn't know what I wanted till last night?" I shouted, standing up quickly and in doing so, the chair that I sat at fell backwards with a thud. Reem made to say something but I cut her;

"And don't give me that 'you-know-me-better-than-myself' crap." I spat.

"There is no need for all of this now Mahra. They're coming for the engagement on Friday." Hearing that sentence I had a horrible sinking in my heart and my cheeks reddened in anxiety. My right hand automatically clapped over my mouth.

"What do you mean?" I uttered.

"He's coming to officially ask for your hand tomorrow." Reem informed and my legs gave up on that.

"And when were you going to tell me? When they'd be sitting in our house then?" I snarled. She remained silent, guilt showing in her eyes. I ran a hand through my hair; "Is Hamad trying to kill me? Am I that much of a burden?"

 I heard Reem tsk in disagreement and stand up to walk to me but I stopped her with a hand gesture, and strode out of the kitchen as fast as I could before I broke down in front of her.

As I made for my room, I slammed all the doors that came on my way as hard as I could. Anger, anxiety, fear and sympathy for myself ran with in me. Clearly, I cried in fury. I searched for my phone once I was in my room. There was only one name that ran in my brain right now. I wanted to stay away from my family members or anyone that relates to my father. So I called my birth-mothers only brother. I called my uncle Saif.

Two warm drops of tears ran through my cheeks as I heard the phone ring on the other side. He picked up after a while and I bit my lips as I heard his voice.


♦ Źάyєď

Staring at the bottom of his cup, there was a vacant feeling in Zayed's heart. He sat under the shadows of the Thai sala by himself, accompanied by nothingness. Who knew, he thought, that a man like him would be constrained to marry someone! He knew he had started a risky game from the moment he talked to his father and since he learned about Mahra's reply yesterday, he's been utterly astonished.

For some reason, a lot of him was certain that Mahra wouldn't want to marry him. She didn't seem drawn to him at all, he thought. She always gave the impression that she was bothered by his presence and so was he. Her belated reply had him thinking that she might refuse, but his assumptions were proved wrong, when Hamad called on Wednesday to give him the 'good news'. The good news that he would be spending the rest of his life with a girl he didn't prefer.

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