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It was like the man was going in slow motion as I watched as his sword makes its way towards me, becoming closer by the second. The sun glistening off of his deadly sword is like a mirror reflecting my upcoming fate as my feet decided to morph into lead. Why can't I move? Why can't I do anything when it comes to the Heartless Skeleton? It's as if death is the only option that's presented to me once they appear, and it looks like it's my turn to shed blood. Nevertheless, I stared up at him as I attempted to block him with my staff, knowing it'll snap due to the force of his fall. If only I was able to overcome the nightmare that has been haunting me for the last five years, than maybe I would be mentally stronger than I am now.


I could only stare at the sight in front of me as flames danced on the roofs of every tent in the camp.  The grass, once vibrant and green, is now black as soot rest on its remainings. Finally, an endless ocean of bodies is spashed before my eyes, but no tear dare shed from them- at least not yet. I can only imagine the screams for help as everyone ran for their lives, desperate to escape the fate that was already set in stone.  I could only use one word the describe this bloody scene that's painted before me.


How could this happen in the short amount of time I was gone? How could the faces I  saw only  hours ago instantly vanish? How could the people I care about drown in the sea of blood right before my eyes?

I was the only person staring while the rest of the warriors of my village ran to seek their families, praying they were still alive. I was the only person standing in place as they ran toward their homes. I was the only person not turning my head. I was the only one staring at the ground. I was the first person to find their loved one laying on the ground with scarlet dirt smeared on their face. I had instantly found the only member left of my family and that's my little sister.

I could only stare at her unmoving form. Her once bright, hazel eyes looked brown now as they stared into oblivion. Her small,pink lips remained parted ,as if she was begging for mercy before she was mercilessly slaughtered . Her once slightly tanned skin , soft and healthy, was now as white as a sheet of paper, symbolizing the ghost of her memory.

"Jezebel...." The tears that have been waiting to arise now stream down my face ,and I suddenly loose all strength in my legs. Dropping to my knees, I reached out toward her small, frail hand but pulled back almost immediately. It was cold. It was nothing like the hand I held this morning. The hand I held just this morning was warm and tender as she prayed for my safety.  The one I'm holding now was cold as ice. It couldn't be my same sister, at least not anymore.

The same girl who greeted me when I came home after the patrol of the camp every day is dead before me. Still, it couldn't be the girl who smiled at me so brightly as her eyes shined like the sun. Is this really Jezebel? Is this really my sister? I was slowly coming more and more into the realization as I held her body against me, sobbing into her neck.

I felt something warm soak my hand as I gripped her lifeless body, but I didn't care about the blood staining my skin. The same blood running through my own veins was now on my very hands. The only family I have left is now gone. And once again, the cause of my loss was because of the Heartless Skeleton. The worst part is I couldn't do anything to save my sister even when I joined the patrol team to do so.

~flashback ends~

He was just about to snap my weapon in two when all of a sudden his attack formation crumbled as he fell backwards. Surprised, I backed up from my previous spot and looked at my attacker. He was now groaning in pain as he clawed at his chest, which had three shuriken embedded inside of it. I looked in the direction the weapons came from and instantly saw a figure hiding in the trees.
A man,hair dark as night swaying softly in the wind, sat on the branch of a tree opposite of my attacker's. A closed eye smile presenting itself on his face as he jumped off of his place on the branch.  

"Does everything seem to be okay master" Master? Is he referring to Zen? And more importantly, how was he able to take that guy out with such weapons? He must have had some intense training to do something so effortlessly.  Zen must be more high up in social standing than I thought to have such a powerful bodyguard on his side. And if so, I need to be more watchful when traveling with them because the higher up in rank he is, the easier it'll be to track my friends and I down if we do somehow escape.

"I'm fine Obi. Thanks for coming when you did. Our temporary companion here would have been hurt.

"I thought she was the thief Master? Why is she suddenly our companion?" I could detected the confusion in his voice as his back faced me.

Mitsuhide let out a sigh as his gaze wondered over to me "It is a long story"

I could see Obi shrug his shoulders before he started to turn in my direction.  It was then that my rescuer looked at me and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. His eyes, as bright as the sun itself, stared straight at me with such a mischievous expression, as if he was a little kid who had something he wasn't supposed to have. "Well Miss Companion, as part of our truce, I have a little surprise for you. But first-" His gaze suddenly shifted towards to man in pain on the ground "- let me take care of you"

The Heart Thief ( Obi x reader x Mitsuhide )Where stories live. Discover now