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I readied my staff and pointed it toward the two people in front of me. I glared at the two as the green haired guy raised his sword at me.

"Return the money and I'll let you leave peacefully. " the white haired guy said in an authoritative voice. It seemed like he was ,at least , mildly used to giving orders. Maybe he is a noble or something.

I looked toward the other fellow and noticed that, unlike his friend, he already had his sword drawn. Calm down, jeez. It not like I'm about to kill you.

I just shrugged my shoulders lazily. "Sorry but no. I don't even have the money on me. My friends have it, not me. "

"Then how about this. You show us where your hide out is and we'll ask your friends to give it back. " said the white haired guy.

"No can do. We need the money more than ever" my thoughts drifted to Akiko and I gripped my staff tighter.

"Very well then, I guess I'll have to do it this way. " all of a sudden the white haired guy swiftly drew his weapon and came charging at me. I was caught off guard at first,but I swiftly blocked his attack. He is fast that's for sure.

I watched as he charged at me again but this time I was prepared. His sword was coming down toward me at an incredible speed. I let in come toward me until it was three inches from my face. I used that opportunity to catch him off guard. In those last seconds, I blocked his attack and pushed him backwards. While he was regaining himself, I quickly took the chance to strike him.

With a quick twirl of my staff, I hit him in his side. He winced in pain, but it seemed to only will him to fight even stronger than before.

He gave me everything he's got. He left less holes open for me to hit him this time,but he is still on the offense while I stayed on the defense. I could attack him,but my strength couldn't match his. My plan is to tire him out until his attacks are more sloppy and weak , so it can be easier for me to get hits in. Brains over brawn.

Dodge after dodge, I waited patiently for him to slow his attack and it took longer than I thought. Finally, I noticed his movements slowing down and I found an opening again. I jabbed him the stomach and he slid back with an 'oof ' sound.
I decided to use my last movements to force his sword out of his hands by hitting the handle, making the weight of the sword his enemy.  The clanging sound as it hit the ground was like a bell, signaling the end of our match.

I pointed my bow staff toward his neck,but it was quickly pushed away by the turquoise haired fellow.

"Zen get behind me "

"Oh so your name is Zen. Nice skills but you're  a little in over your head pal. Next time, think before you act kid."

"Why were you stealing money from those people? Don't you know they have families they need to feed with that?" The green-blue haired guy asserted, not letting this Zen guy respond to my statement.

"I've gotta feed my family too. I've gotta put food on the table and provide medicine for my sick friend whom I consider my sister. "

I saw the guy kind of lower his sword. "Your friend is sick. "

"Yes ,and with the cold weather coming soon, she'll only get worse if we don't help her now. We don't usually steal this much, but she is our family. During this time of year, medicine is really expensive, so we need more money for it. Food is also a factor in why we steel but that's not the point. We will do anything to help each other." I told them. I could see the sympathy in their eyes as they started to relate to my situation. I smirked. People are so moved by the facts sometimes. "Plus, this is kind of our 'job' anyway so yeah"

"Mitsuhide, put away your sword" The turquoise haired guy paused for a second before doing what ,I'm guessing, his superior said.
"Listen I have a friend and she is an herbalist. She can help your friend if you lead us toward your hideout. " I just looked him for a good five seconds before shaking my head.

"No thank you, we can help her ourselves. I would rather not be in debt to you two or be put in prison"  I declared, knowing that if I give in I'll put everyone in trouble.

"If what you say is true about medicine being expensive, wouldn't it be better to save your coins? You also have a fifty-fifty chance of escaping after we help your friend.You could either escape with more money than expected or be caught. " Mitsuhide stated with his arms crossed "The choice is up to you though. Free medical help with someone analyzing her condition or buying medicine that won't tell you what's wrong and possibly won't work"

I hesitated for a second. It's not like they'd let me keep the money in the end. They would probably take the money back and arrest me when everything is done with. Still, a herbalist will be a lot of help,and he makes a good point about the medicine not working. I don't want Akiko to suffer. I stared them down as I searched for any signs of lies. "How do I know your not lying? You could be tricking me for all I know?"

I saw the white haired fellow placed his fist on his chest, over his heart. " I swear on my life that I will help your friend and try to make her well again. " I looked into his eyes and searched for any sign of lies, but all I saw was an earnest gaze that stared back at me. Is this guy for real?

I let out a sigh and put my staff away. "Ruth is gonna kill me for this" I murmured to myself. "Fine. I'll take you to her, but first let's find your friend. After that, I need to pick up some oranges. "
I started walking forward and right past them. "Come on, I don't have all day"
I heard their footsteps following me as we made our way back to the village. I let out a stressed sigh. I am so getting arrested after this.

The Heart Thief ( Obi x reader x Mitsuhide )Where stories live. Discover now