Chapter 27 At All Costs

Start from the beginning

"Well... I dont know really where to begin. He came over to discuss the recent increase in rogues and we came to a rather unsettling conclusion."

"Such as?"

"Well of course between the numbers were odd but it's only since we've been here that they've increased even more and have injured so many people. Other packs are the same way as well. They've been observing their... migration patterns recently and they're all coming and going in the same direction, leaving wounded in their wake as well... that leads us to believe they're going somewhere and intend to make us well aware of that beforehand. I can't say for sure what exactly they're trying to do or where they're trying to go but we need to figure that out soon or else it'll only get worse and more of my family will be attacked." I explain to him as he listens intently. I glance down at the sleeping wolf at my side. What'll happen if one of them gets to you? What if I can't protect you?

"I've been worried as well. I've asked my sister to keep in touch with my father and keep me updated as to when and where they find my step mother, if they ever do. After the whole incident at home who knows what she could be plotting, to get back at me at least. But she could go after anyone, even Odilia... that's why I wanted the two of them to stay at the cabin while we left. Splitting up just seemed like the best option." I hum in agreement, that does seem best considering our situation. I just want to know what's going on and how to stop it before anyone else I Love gets hurt.

I glance back at dom beside me and run my fingers through his hair "compared to the rest of my pack he looks like a puppy" I laugh and Colton chuckles, "he even has puppy fur, it's adorable. I just wish he'd wake up and let us know he's ok." At least he isn't in pain anymore, by now all of his injuries will be healed and he's just asleep. "I've been wondering something." I state as I keep my arms traced on following my hand

"Yah?" Col asks.

"What was that awful scar on Dom's arm? Where did it come from and how could it have vanished just a quickly? We also never noticed anything like that any time before so why then?" I ask frowning at the memory of that weird cut.

"I was thinking that too and when I was working to become the head of the family when I had some free time I did some research. The only thing that could be remotely close to what that was would be a shadow mark but those are from curses and he was with us the whole time, no one could have possibly cursed him without us knowing. And it couldn't have been at the party because we noticed it before hand and dad spent a long time making sure the people who went were trustworthy. That's my best guess though."

"But who would want to curse him? And what would the curse be anyway? It's not like Dominic has gone out of his way to get on anyone's hit list, and being with us doesn't put a target on his back either."

"I thought about that and I really dont know. It's hard to know who could do it too... black magic isn't just limited to witches and wizards even humans have found a way to do it. For all we know if it is a curse we could be dealing with a human. But I still find it hard to believe dom would be anyone's target." He mutters looking off to the lake not too far in front of us past the trees. I glad over as well watching the light glitter off the water and dance between the shade. "Who knew we'd have to deal with so much just to be happy? Life was easy before we met each other, why did that change so fast?" He asks and I shrug. I really can't answer him I just dont know. Sure being a werewolf pack comes with it's fair share of wild animals and feral wolves but nothing like it has recently, and for Colton's cause you never know what to expect with that fowl woman. And then there's Dominic... we forever changed his life. He will never be a normal human again and it's our fault. I feel ashamed almost to have taken his life from him.

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