11| circle

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Vicky's POV

"Truth or dare?"

Just as those words left Rose's lips something crashed into the circle hitting me hard on the shoulder. I winced in pain and moved away to get a better look at what felt like a bulldozer that crashed what would have been an entertaining yet freighting moment.

My eyes widened when I saw Marco and Sam's ex, Jason throwing punches at each other. I stood frozen while people gathered around forming a bigger circle to watch the fight even encouraging on who they thought would knock the other one down cold.

I debated on weather to be myself and butt into their business or just watch like everyone else. I decided that it was much safer to keep myself out of this one since I couldn't possibly get into the circle without getting hit accidentally either by a fist or an elbow about to go for a punch.

Oh man what is happening?

Marcos POV

I high fived Jace and took another large gulp of the toxins that filled the bottle of beer emptying its contents.

"Ok I'd go for another round but I really need to rest man. I'll see you later?" He said. I frowned wanting to play another round of beer pong but nodded.

"Yeah I need another bottle anyway." I said raising my now empty bottle. He nodded smirking and jogged out of my sight lost in the sea of dancing sweating people.

I turned the other way and walked towards the kitchen for my next bottle. Finally retracing my steps from last time with not too much trouble I str my empty bottle on the counter and searched the drawers for another bottle. Nope. Not there...


I turned around to see Jason. I saw him around a few times before. He was the best friend of the schools quarterback who is apparently the host of this party.


"Marco right? The new guy?" He asked pointing at me with a wobbly finger.

He looked really drunk by the way he stumbled over his own two feet.

"I guess." I said.

"I heard that Cory was your brother?" He said leaning on the counter.

"Yeah." I said. Cory transferred here two days before me and lots of people know that he's adopted. He got bullied in his old school but I couldn't be there 24/7 so it's a good thing that dad had to transfer here because of his business so we could have a fresh start.

"Adopted eh? Your parents didn't think you were enough?" He laughed.

I took another step forward and raised my clenched fist bringing it down fast punching him square in the face.

"My parents adopted him because they wanted to." I said and stepped back.

My parents adopted Cory when I got hit by a car on my 12th birthday. They thought I was dying and mother thought I needed someone to cheer me up and also wanted a son to raise when I'm gone while dad wanted someone to continue the family business when I left. But something happened and the doctors were able to save me but not without a broken leg that healed over the years.

I was about to turn around and leave when I felt a steel grip on my shirt pulling me towards it. I winced slightly as my skull hit the wall hard. It was an unexpected move so I couldn't stop it.

"Oh come on. Tell the truth they adopted him because you were a failure. Poor them turns out he was a failure too..." He said and that's when I snapped.

I pushed him by the shoulders as he hit the counter dropping everything that was on it.

I grabbed hi collar with my left hand and punched him with my right hand repeatedly until he kicked me unexpectedly. I stumbled a bit giving him enough time to pounce on me dragging me to the ground.

We soon found ourselves rolling over punching and kicking wherever the other was not protecting. We crashed into many people until they noticed and made way. I stood up dragging him with me ready to throw another punch when he pushed me and we both fell backwards crashing into a circle.

Soon enough people gathered around forming a big circle chanting and shouting.

We rolled over and he got on top of me punching me hard in the face. I kicked him hard in the gut watching him double over. I took my chance and rolled over taking his place throwing punch after punch until he was a bloody mess.

I felt two pairs of arms grab my arms pulling me away from Jason. I tried getting out of their grip but I couldn't so I just stood up by myself clutching my side that hurt the most from all the kicking. I glared at Jason one last time and turned to face the two nitwits that pulled me out of the fight.

Mason and Jace. Of course.

I reluctantly muttered a quick thanks and Mason went off to get an ice pack.

My head hurt like hell I wanted to hit it on the wall again. I walked to the leather couch and flopped on the seat watching the crowd slowly leave the circle muttering on how we shouldn't have stopped.

"What happened?" Jace asked. He looked amused for a reason I do not know.

"Nothing." I scoffed crossing my arms.

"Nothing? So you just decided to punch a jock? The school quarterbacks best friend might I add?" He said raising a brow.

"And what if I did?" I said.

"Then you my friend are a bloody nut case." He said smirking. I rolled my eyes and smirked back for some reason.

Mason returned with a frozen pea bag and I put it on my side pressing slightly.

"So what happened?" He asked and I sighed.

"He called you gay so I punched him." I lied. He clenched his fists and muttered something about him being a son of a bitch and I held him before he could go punch him himself.

"Hey I was kidding. I said you were gay." I said and heard Jace chuckle behind me.

"Shut up." He said. Jace and I have been teasing him and calling him gay since we saw him playing fairy with his little sister Maddy.

"Come on. Let's get you home." Jace said walking me to my car.

I hate Jason. Black


Ok guys this was like a bonus chapter or something like that but...


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2017 ⏰

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