10| Truth or Dare

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"Come on! It'll be fun I promise!" Summer pleaded literally on her knees.

"No. No way.' I said shaking my head rapidly.

"Ugh Sam you really need to get a life!" She said and I put a hand on my chest mocking hurt.

"What do you mean?" I said in an over dramatic tone.

"I mean you need to start being more fun!" She said and I raised my brows.

"Excuse me but I am the fun sister. You are the boring one." I said.

"Well I'm not the one dragging you to go to a stupid party." She said crossing her arms.

"Actually you are." I chuckled at my sisters stupidity.

"Oh. Right. I meant that I'm not the one who doesn't want to go to a stupid party." She said.

"Well it is a stupid party that I'm too cool to go to." I said smirking.

"Shut up and get dressed." She groaned. "If you were truly fun you would go to the party and do fun stuff." She said and I shook my head.

"Darling I know that trap and I checked my receipt. I didn't buy your bullshit. My pride isn't that high." I said and she finally gave up grunting she walked to her room.

I sighed. I just don't understand why people's pride can be so damn high that if I wanted to kill myself all I had to do was climb up their pride and jump down to their IQ.

Halfway through "The Fault in our Stars" Summer defended the stairs and smiled at me.

She was wearing a short one shoulder blue dress with a bow at her right side and black heels.

" you look nice. Now get out. I don't want anyone to see me crying at the end when Augustus dies." I said and she chuckled.

"You watched it a million times and you still cry?" She said and I glared at her.

"It's not my fault that it's sad. I mean 'Me before You' is sad too but 'The Fault in our stars' is sadder because they didn't have a choice. They were going to die, period. But in me before you Will goes ahead and kills himself. I know it's selfish but if he really loved her he'd go through the pain." I said. I really cared about my movies and my family just don't understand how I relate to fictional characters in books or movies.

It's because in every book I read and in every film I watch I find a piece of me in it.

"Ok all leave you to your movies before you write me a hundred page essay on why the fault in our stars is sadder than me before you." She said and I smiled sheepishly.

I love movie night.


Vicks POV

I finished my drink and disposed the red plastic cup getting myself and Rose another drink.

I handed her her drink as she muttered a quick thanks.

"So... How are you and Mason?" I asked lifting the cup to my lips.

"What about us?" She asked.

"Well aren't you guys dating?" I asked curiously.

"No. No were not. Actually he's avoiding me." She said taking a sip from her during.

Anger cursed through my veins..

"The bastard. And to think summer and I totally shipped you too." I said. She chuckled and I took a sip.

"Sam doesn't seem happy about it. I kinda think that she has something to do with Mason not speaking to me. But it doesn't matter it's not like I'll die without him." She shrugged ant took another sip.

I nodded and tried to hide my suspicion. It is quite weird. Sam didn't approve of Rose and Mason. That day she was totally horrified when she saw them in the bathroom. Then she goes and talks to Rose and after that boom he stops talking to her. It's peculiar.

"Hey guys lets play truth or dare over there with Allison and Layla." Summer said appearing from the crowd. She pointed at the big circle of people sitting cross legged. The familiar faces it the group were Allison, a friend and Layla also a friend. A few other kids I recognize from my classes. Mason and Jace.

"Don't worry no alcohol included. Just bottle spinning. The top gets to give the dare or truth the end gets it." She said and dragged us to the circle. I reluctantly sat down and watched as Layla spinned the empty bottle with a flick of her wrist.

It slowed down at an torturously slow pace. My heart beat sped up as it passed by me almost stopping but gave a sigh of relief when it passed by stopping at the person beside me who happens to be Summer. The end was pointed to Allison and the top to summer.

She grinned wickedly.

"Truth or dare?" She asked.

Allison, knowing summer decided to go for the safer choice.

"Truth." She said and I could see her crossed fingers.

"Who was the first guy you ever kissed?" Summer asked.

"Uh... It wasn't a guy..." She said and everyone gasped. I just raised an eyebrow and waited for her to continue.

"Alyssa." She said. Cue the gasps.

Layla spinned the bottle again and after many rounds the end of the bottle landed on Jace while the top on Rose. Shit.

Rose grinned widely.

"Truth or dare?"


sorry for the cliffhanger. Let's just say Jace is in big trouble. I have an idea for a truth and a dare. So comment which u want him to choose.


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