Part 1 theRed sports car

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Life is a rough journey where we make our own destinies.

It's a journey with no destination. Even when we die we' ll still be on that road. Death might actually be the the begining. No I'm not planning on committing suicide. I like life, thank you very much.

I was walking to my car that was parked across the street when I heard squeals behind me. A noise that I have grown used to. A noise all too familiar. I could tell who it was from miles away... The girls.

I didn't bother turning around, instead I said, "Good morning to you too." I felt someone hug me from behind.

The smell of roses and vanila filled the air around me. That smell was also familiar. Rose Wallace. I'd track her all the way across the globe using only my sense of smell. She never leaves without her signature purfume.

"Sam! It's been forever!!" She said finally letting me go from her bone crushing embrace.

I let out a breath I've been holding and turned around to face my friends.

Rose Wallace had fiery red hair- they didn't call her rose for nothing- ,and honey brown eyes. She wore brown boots, jeans and a red top. What is up with the red you seriously look like a rose I mean brown down and red up... I'm being weird again... Anyway..

Behind her stood Vicky Lynch. She combed her streight blonde hair with her fingers while her other hand was in the pocket of her jeans. She had big, innocent brown eyes meant to fool people because if you knew one thing about Vicky it was that she was anything but innocent. She wore a pair of jeans and a shirt. Unlike summer she didn't spend hours dressing up.

And beside me, my best friend slash sister Summer Forbes. She took more from our father and has wavy brown hair (just like me) and hazel brown eyes (not like me. I have ocean blue eyes) she wore knee high boots jeans and I white top.

"Define 'forever'. I clearly remember seeing you last week." I said sarcastically.

"Yeah. For rose a millisecond is and hour." Vicky said calmly getting a glare from rose in return. Vicky can be really cool and fun but she can also be a b!tch if she wants to.

We continued walking across the road when the screeching sound of a car halting in a sudden stop almost got me temporarily deaf.

I turned around and saw a red sports car inches close to touching me.

I walked to the front door of the car and knoked on the window several times in frustration.

The drivers door opened and a guy stepped out. He looked about my age. Flipping his bangs of messy dark brown hair he took off his sunglasses to reveal a pair of emerald green eyes. This guy was too hot for his own good. He smirked and winked at a girl walking on the sidewalk and you could tell that she was totally checking him out that she almost stepped right into a post.

He looked at vicky, summer, rose then his glaze finally landed on me.

"What is it?" He asked

"What is it!? You almost hit us!" I said. Waving my hands frantically.

The guy however kept his cool.

"Sorry about that. Although you could have said it in a calm way. No need to cause a scene." He said now slipping his sunglasses into the pocket of his leather jacket.

"...Seriously?... You almost killed us and you expect me not to cause a scene?!" I said raising my voice a little higher just to piss this stranger off. I know I really didn't need to but I was awake all night studying for a test and I'm not so nice if I hadn't got any sleep.

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