Part 3 On a mission

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"Let go!"


"LET GO!" They all said simultaniously.

"Let it go, let it go! Cant hold it back anymore! Let it go, let it g-"

"Sam it is NOT the time to sing!" Summer said.

"Now let go!"

"NEVAAHHH!!" I shouted to the sky holding on to the car door for dear life.

"SAM... LET... GO!!!!" Vicky said pausing after each word to pull harder.

"You know... if I let go we all go down..." I said nodding at my friends. Vicky was clutching my backpack so tightly it was a wonder it didnt get ripped to shreads under her steel grip.

Rose was trying her best to keep her hold on Vickys slipery leather jacket while summer was holding on to Rose's purse.

If you havent guessed they were all trying to get me through the gates of hell - aka high school.

"Go ahead!" Rose shouted still struggling to keep her hold on Vickys jacket.

Summer and vickys eyes widened in alarm. "NO-"

"Okay." I said and let go of the car door which caused us all to fall like dominos.

I fell on top of Vicky, Vicky on rose and rose on summer.

Rose groaned. "How much do you weigh??!!" She cried trying to push Vicky off her with her noodle like arms but failed miserably.

"What!? Excuse me I work out everyday!" Vicky said. "Plus Sam is the heavy one here."

"What!? No! You are the one who wolfed down 16 cupcakes in 2 minuits!" I complained.

"Well yo-"

"Guys!... Im the... one taking all... the damage... please... get off me... or i swear you wont... see... the light of day..." Summer said pausing to fill her lungs with the air that was being forced out of her by our weight.

I stood up and ran for my life when Vicky caught my backpack.

"Why dont you want to go to school?" Vicky asked. I sighed.

"Because. There is this assighnment in English lit. That I wasnt able to finish." I said. This eatned gasps from all of them.

"You... WHAT!?... girl your toast." Summer said as a matter of fact.

"Yeesh!...I remember when I forgot an assignment in English lit. Mrs. Miller shouted at me in front of Jonah, called my parents AND made me do never ending chores for her after classes for six weeks!" Rose said Shuddering at the thought of having to personaly send love letters to the football coach everyday.

"We have an assignment in English Litrature???!!!" Vicky asked, a look of pure horror evident in her face.

"Well if you didnt fall asleep half the lesson you wouldnt be stuck in this situation. With me. Again." I said recalling the many times we tried to escape from Rose and Summer for not making an assignment or studying for a test.

Vicky and I shared a look and I mentaly counted to three. I nodded and we both sprinted away.

"Not so fast Sam." Summer sid grabbing hold of my collar which caused me to almost choke.

I looked to my right to see Vicky three steps away from freedom.

"Go! Tell my parents I love them!... And make sure there are only lilies and red roses on my funeral!!!" I shouted to Vicky only for rose to catch up and tackle Vicky to the ground.

See You AgainDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora