There is five of them. They walk in with my boss, Mr. Stevens. He says, "This is Mr. Tomlinson and he will be presenting to you all today. I know he will do a great job."

I smile and speak to the five of them, "It is nice to meet all of you and I hope you enjoy my presentation. I know that here at Grean Co. we can full fill your hopes of saving the environment. If you all want to take a seat we will get started."

I walk over to my laptop and start the presentation. I give them the basics of what we can do for them if they become a client at our law firm. I also let them know some of the other higher level things we can do for them in the long run. At the end I answer and few questions and we talk about contracts and money deals for a bit. They leave and it seems very promising. We expect to get a good answer in the next couple days.

Kirk stops me in the hallway to say that he thinks I did a very good job today and that I should expect for he best. He also says that since I worked so hard on the presentation that I can head home since its Friday. I'm excited to start my first weekend here a little early.

As I'm walking out of my office Liam says, "Hey Louis! Do you want to come by tonight and hang out? Were just going to celebrate a little for Zayn's first day at work."

"I'd love to! What time?" I reply

"How about around 7:00 I think," he tells me.

I nod and say, "I'll be there."

Harry POV:

When I get home I take a quick shower and check the time. Its only 5:45 so I have a little time before I have to get dressed. I enter the living room when Zayn is coming through the front door. "Hey, how was your first day at work mate?" I say.

He throws all of his stuff on the couch and kicks off his work boots before saying, "Work was good. I didn't really do much, it was pretty much just the construction manager showing me around the job site. This town house were building is going to be sick. There's four floors to it and six good sized bedrooms. It's safe to say I'll have a steady pay for a few months at least."

"Well that is fantastic. I am glad you're back on your feet, I was starting to worry about you. You seemed really down about not being able to pay your share of the rent even though you know Liam and I could care less. Anyways I have got to go get ready because I have a date tonight. Kevin is taking me to see The Lion King." I tell him.

He smiles at me as I walk to my room. I know exactly what I'm going to wear. I get my only suit out of the closet and put it on. It's a gray suit with a white undershirt. I glance at the clock as I'm tying a purple bow tie around my neck. It's 6:40, Liam should be arriving home any second now and Kevin should be here in a short while.

I slip on my black boots as I'm walking to the living room. I meet my other roommate as he walks in te door. "You look nice. Where are you headed tonight Haz?" Liam asks.

I lean against the wall and reply, "Umm, Kevin is taking me to see The Lion King. He should be here any minute."

He frowns a little before the smile returns to his face and says, "That's great but I was hoping you would be here tonight. I invited Louis over to celebrate Zayn's first day at work."

"Oh, well maybe next time. We can all doing something together next week for sure," I say to Liam. 

As I finish speaking there's a knock on the door. I jump to get it thinking it will be my date but when I open the door it's Louis standing there. I say hi to him and gesture for him to come in.

Louis looks me up and down and then says, "I'm guessing you didn't get all dressed up to hang out with us all night. That really is too bad Harry, I will miss you."

I can't say I'm not shocked by the words I miss you leaving his mouth but I accept it and say, "Awe I will miss you too Lou but I do have a date tonight. You guys better not have too much fun without me. And as for you missing me, we will really all have to do something next week."

"Yes, we can go out to dinner or something," says Louis.

"Anyways, Liam is in the kitchen if you want to go join him. My date should be here any second," I tell him.

I watch him walk into the other room as I wait for the knock on the door.

Louis POV:

I can't pretend that I didn't feel a pang of jealousy when I heard Harry say he had a date tonight but, I put a smile on my face because there's nothing but excitement spread across his. And its just one date, nothing serious. I could still have a chance with him. I go to the kitchen with Liam like he asked. He offers me a drink but I turn him down.

We sit at the table and talk for a good hour never hearing a knock on the door. After that hour we decide its time to go comfort Harry because his date was most likely not going to show up.

We both take a spot next to him on either side of the couch and start to saying things like hes not even worth it and nobody stands up our friend like that. He smiles but I can tell he's hurting. I hate this. I just want to make him feel better. If only we had not just met a few days ago, I might be able to.

Harry finally stands from the couch and walks to his room closing the door roughly. I turn to Liam and tell him I will just head home since this is not really a good time to celebrate when Harry is hurting.

A/N: This only took me a week to write because of distractions. I promise to write the next chapter sooner. Have a great day! :D

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