15: Why should the world exist if the person I love isn't a part of it?

Start from the beginning

However, before he could return, an adorable looking female student approached him and began animately chatting with him. Shizuka who had never seen Madoka being that close to another female student found herself a bit taken aback.

She's probably a first or second year? She's cute. Petite frame, fluffy hair that just about reaches her thin shoulders, big round eyes, rosy cheeks, a cute button nose and a small mouth? Looks like an idol. Wait...is she wearing pants?

Shizuka rubbed her eyes. Holy crap she—no, he is! That's a boy? Or maybe it's a girl in pants?

Satoru chuckled when he saw her twisted face. "That's Ichinomiya Aoi. He's a first year male student on the student council."

Shizuka gaped. "He's so small and cute! I mean it's not that boys can't be small or cute but at first glance, I was so sure I was looking at a cute girl."

Dun dun dun trap card activated! Things are certainly becoming more game-like.

Satoru nodded in understanding. "A lot of people make that mistake but he's actually really sensitive about his effeminate features. Once you get to know him, you'll find that he's a nice and hardworking kid."

Satoru paused, then his tone suddenly became serious. "Ne, Shizuka-chan, please take care of Madoka, okay?"

Shizuka silently waited for him to continue.

Satoru smiled gently. "I said it earlier but the real Madoka is actually really different from how he looks..."

"He's said that to me before too..."

"Madoka's hard to get close to at first and he's awkward at expressing his real feelings but he's the most loyal and caring person I've ever known," revealed Satoru. "To the people he's recognized, he'll do anything and everything for them and if he has to he'll sacrifice his personal well-being in the process. That's why he becomes jealous so easily and becomes awfully upset when the people he loves betrays his expectations. But it's not his fault! It's not!"

Belatedly realizing that he had startled Shizuka with his abrupt exclamations, Satoru stopped for a moment to collect himself before continuing, "As for why he became this way, he should probably tell you himself. I've probably already said too much...Just know that he's a good person at heart."

"Why are you telling me all of this?"

"You probably find it a bit strange that I'm dumping all of this on you when you guys only just started dating," began Satoru, "but I feel like I can trust you because you seem like a good person. More importantly, Madoka chose you. Out of everyone, he chose you. You're the only person he's ever actively reached out to and for a long, long, time now, Madoka has always l-"

"Satoru, you talk too much."

Unknowingly, it seemed that Madoka had finished his conversation with Aoi and returned to Satoru and Shizuka.

"It's kind of become a habit among my family members," replied Satoru unfazed. Addressing Shizuka, he went on to explain, "I have a pretty big family so there's always someone to talk to and now it's hard to stop. Sorry if I bored you, Shizuka-chan."

Shizuka smiled. "No, not at all. How many people are there in your family anyways, Satoru-kun, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Including me, there's eight people living at my house," responded Satoru.

"Wow, that must be really lively!"

Satoru chuckled. "It often is since there's me, my siblings, and my dad."

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