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(Maria's POV)
I came here because of Eliza.
She convinced me to come, when all I wanted to do was just sleep and eat in our room over spring break.
I liked Eliza, but she was so, so devoted to Alex....
"Maria, you ok?" Angelica asked me, concerned.
I nodded, smiling a bit.
"I'm fine"
Angelica looked at me for a moment longer, not quite believing it, but finally turned away,
"Okay guys it is Wednesday! So let's do something fun! Suggestions?" She said.
James was not sick anymore, so he and Thomas would be also joining in.
We all threw some suggestions out, like hiking again, or photography, but finally settled on drawing.
"We can go into that big clearing in the woods" Angelica said. "We can draw there" we all agreed and started walking toward the woods.
I fell into step beside Eliza, who smiled hesitantly st me.
"Hey Eliza" I said, smiling back at her.
"Whatcha gonna draw?" I asked her. Eliza could be so shy sometimes! It was honestly so cute.
"Umm i don't know, maybe one of the birds. There are a lot here..."
I cocked my head at her. "Hmm... I would have pegged you for the drawing-roses type"
She laughed. "What are you going to draw?" She asked me, tucking a lock of her beautiful brown hair behind her ear.
"Deer. If there are any around the clearing" I said confidentially. "I mean, usually I like drawing horses, but deer will have to do"
Eliza giggled as she said, "I would have pegged you for the drawing-bears type!"
I rolled my eyes. "Why is that exactly?" I asked her.
"Well" she said, grinning at me, "your super fierce! Like a bear!"
"I'm not always fierce!" I protested, laughing. "Remember the phone call? I was an excellent girly girl then!"
Eliza laughed. I felt the usual warm fuzzy feeling expand inside of me when she did that. I rolled my eyes at myself.
"She's taken!" I thought to myself. "And she dosnt like me anyway. So stop THINKING ABOUT ELIZA ALL THE TIME"

A couple of minutes later we were at the clearing. I sat down at the very edge, peering into the woods to try and spot a deer. Beside me, Eliza sat down and started sketching an outline of a sparrow that was sitting on a branch above us. The rest of our group also sat down and started drawing.

After fifteen minutes of looking into the woods, I realized there probably wasn't that many deer around here. I was terrible at drawing anything else, so I just took up my sketchbook and started sketching a horse.
I made the horse have a long, elegant neck. It's forelock was flowing in the wind along with its long Rapunzel- like mane. It's dark eyes started intelligently out of the drawing, like it was looking st something. Without realizing it, I was taking tiny glances at Eliza while I drew. After a moment, I realized I wasn't just drawing any horse; I was drawing Eliza as a horse.
Quickly I ripped the page out before she could see it. I doubted she would know it was her, but still.
"You ok?" She asked, looking at my crumpled paper.
"Ya, fine. Just a bad drawing" I said quickly, and she nodded and turned back to her own work. I let out a small gasp as I looked at it. On the paper, Eliza had drawn the prettiest drawing of any bird I had ever seen. Her sparrow was shaded perfectly, with the tiniest of details put into the wings with the perfect balance.
Eliza must have noticed my gasp, because she looked up to see me staring at the drawing.
"Oh" she blushed, "I know it's not very good..."
"Not very good? Eliza are you kidding me this is amazing!" I gushed, still staring st the drawing.
"How do you do it?!!" I asked longingly, looking back at my own plain boring horse.
"I... I could teach you if... if you know you want that" Eliza said hesitantly.
"REALLY?!" I asked her excitedly. She nodded.
Eliza smiled, then turned to a blank page on her sketch pad. I copied her.
"Okay" she said, "so, you start off with the body..."

A/n: sorry about this chapter it's super short but I'm st the airport ready to fly back to California and I'M SOOO bored so yep here's his bad chapter. Thanks so much for all the reads, votes, and comments!!!! Every single one of them makes my day :)

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