Chapter 1: Tour de Trance: Part 2

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Alice's POV

After we heard the scream everyone went to the window and looked outside. And what we saw made almost everyone scream. It was an Akuma victim, and it was heading straight to our school. While Ms. Bustier was trying to calm everyone I slipped out and headed to the girl's room. Once I made sure no one was following me I opened my jacket to reveal my little Kawami and said, "Gwyn, Crown On!" At that, my transformation begun.

As Gwyn flew around me my clothes slowly changed into a white bodysuit from my toes to just under my chin. After my bushy, white tail and white ears with a rose-pink center pop out Gwyn enters my Miraculous, and rose-pink lipstick and nail polish slowly apply itself. After I give a short laugh and tap my Miraculous a silver crown with five diamonds in it appears in front of my left ear, and a diamond cat collar around my neck. As those appear my hair changes from golden-blonde in a Carousel Braid to snow-white in a Five-Strand Back Braid, and my eyes from Steel Gray to Persian Blue. Finally, I swipe my claws in front of my face and a white mask with golden accents follows. And just like that I am no longer Alice and have transformed into Duchess, ready to take on the Akuma victim.

Chase's POV

After Mr. Hootman and I look out the window he goes over to the intercom to make an announcement. While he isnt looking I head out and find the guys room. I open my jacket to see the black Kawami and say, "Come on Plagg, Duchess needs us. Claws Out!" After I say that I start to transform.

Plagg spins around me as my regular clothes turn into my suit. When he enters my Miraculous my cat ears and cat-like tail appear. While I swipe my claws across my face my hair changes from bluenette to blonde, and my eyes from green to periwinkle blue. And just like that I am ready to help Duchess and take on the Akuma Victim.

A Few Minutes Later

Chat Noir's POV

I stand in front of the school while I wait on Duchess. She should be here by now, I think to myself. And that is when I see the Akuma victim for the second time.

The guy is around 5.7 and is wearing a strange, purple hat. Around his shoulders is a purple robe that stops just at his ankles. In his right hand is a weird staff that is as tall as he is, and at the end of it is a (you guessed it) purple globe.

As I looked at the globe I started to realize that I was swaying. After I thought I stopped myself I heard a voice behind me. "Looks like this kitty showed up just in time," it was Duchess as she grabbed my arm, keeping me from falling over. I quickly compose myself, then grabbed the white-cat's hand and kissed it before saying, "My Lady, what a pleasure it is to be saved by you."

She just rolled her eyes before pulling her hand away and saying, "Not now Chat, we have a Akuma waiting to be taken to the pound." I just bow dramatically and say, "Your kingdom awaits, My Lady."

Duchess' POV

After Chat stops flirting we head toward the Akuma victim. Chat uses his staff so that he gets there faster, and I spin my two elegant folding-fans over my head so that I glide over. Once we arrive though, I almost wish we hadn't. The Magician as he called himself wasn't your everyday Akuma victim. Turns out he can place people under a trance to do his biddings. And that isn't the worst of it. The worst part is that while Chat was trying to figure out what his staff was while waiting for me he got put under a trance.

Chat's POV

For some odd reason, when Duchess and I arrived the Magician started laughing. As I withdrew my staff the Magician laughed again as he said, "You fools, you have just lead yourself into a trap!" As I looked over to Duchess to see what he meant I saw her look at me in horror. I wonder why, but then I feel my hand making my staff return to its regular size. Oh, thats what he meant, I think as I slowly feel the Magician taking over my actions. Then I look over to Duchess and say with a smile, "Let's go get that Akuma!" The thing is, I didnt want to say that. That was the Magician. After Duchess gives a quick nod in my direction she retrieves her two folding-fans from their places on her hip and faces the Magician. And while she was facing him she wasn't expecting an attack from me, which is exactly what the Magician planned for.

Duchess' POV

Strange, I think to myself, I dont remember Chat ever acting so excited to take down an Akuma victim before. I turn just in time to deflect Chats staff with my fans. "What are you doing?!" I shout at him, though I think I already know what is happening. The Magician laughed and said, "Listening to my orders, of course!"

I look into the eyes of my partner and say, "I dont want to fight you!" After I do so I somehow manage to shove him, and his staff, away from me. I dont skip a beat. I throw my fans into the air and shout, "Purrfection!" As the two fans fall back down, becoming sharper and brighter, my suit also becomes brighter.

As Chat regains his footing he yells "Cataclysm!" I try to get into a spot where the sun hits me directly. As soon as I find that spot Chat pounces towards me. In an instant I bring up one of my fans, and it blinds the poor kitty. After a confused moment the Magician growls and raises his staff towards me. I knew this was coming, and I was already prepared. I move both of my fans in front of me and temporarily daze the Magician. In his moment of confusion I race toward him, grabbing his staff. He tries to reach for it, but I'm too fast. I break the staff over my knee, and an Akuma comes out.

Chat's POV

After I blink the spots out of my eyes I see Duchess, and the Akuma. As I watch I see Duchess opens both of her fans and shout, "Time to de-evilise!" After that she catches the Akuma inside one of her fans and lets it go out the other. As it flies off as a newly turned butterfly she gives a small wave and says, "Bye bye little butterfly." I walk over to where the Magician was, only to find that guy that I saw on my way to school. As Duchess walks over she seems to recognize him too, because she bends down and says, "Hello sir, how are you feeling?" The guy looks up to the white cat and says, "I'm not sure...have you seen my staff? Some kids broke it, saying my magic tricks werent cool enough." Duchess frowns at that, and starts to look for the staff. I look to my right and see it on the floor, so I pick it up and head over to the two of them.

"Here you go, sir," I say as I hand the guy his staff. He looks at it, then smiles. "Thank you Chat Noir, Duchess, I will never forget this!" he says, and then he walks off. Duchess cocks her head to the side then says, "Well, that was awkward." Since I couldnt help but agree I say, "Purr-haps My Lady, but you were simply brilliant!" She gives a short laugh, then sticks out her fist. "Pound It!" we say at the same time, and then my Miraculous beeps.

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