Chapter 1: Tour de Trance: Part 1

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Alices POV

I wake up with a jolt. "Can't believe I had that stupid nightmare again," I say to myself before I wake my Kawami up. Gwyn yawns before asking me what time it is. I look over to my alarm clock and read 6:30 A.M! I hurriedly start to change out of my pajamas as Gwyn, annoyed that I didn't answer her question, looks over at my clock. As I pull on my boots Gwyn squeaks at me, "Alice, we must hurry! You do remember what the school said about you being late, don't you!?" As I pull my bag over my shoulder I sigh and reply, "Of course I remember Gwyn, how could I forget that they basically told me that being late once could result in me never having the chance to be late again!" Gwyn, content with my answer, flies into a pocket in my jacket. Before leaving I look in the mirror to make sure that I have everything.

My black, faux leather jacket? Check. Red shirt tucked into my white, paint-splattered, pleated skirt that goes down to my knees? Check. Black Ritz riding boots that stop just two inches below my knees? Check. And Finally, my silver comb hairpin that gives me the ability to become Duchess? Double Check!

As I race to the school I pass a guy doing magic tricks. Probably harmless, I think to myself before entering the school. I manage to make it to my seat right before the bell rings. Nina, my best friend, looks at me and whispers, "Luckily Ms. Bustier is running late also, otherwise you might not of made it!"

As if summoned by her, my teacher walks in through the door and stands by her desk. She just smiles at everyone before saying, "Sorry class, I had to take care of some issues in the courtyard." And with that she started class.

About halfway into the lesson theres a knock on the door. Ms. Bustier opened the door to reveal one Chase Agreste. He handed Ms. Bustier a note before walking over to his seat by Kole, which was in front Nina and I. Ms. Bustier looked over the note once, then returned to the lesson. Nina and I shared a look before she leaned forward and whispered to Chase, "Why were you late?" Chase must of been on his way to falling to sleep, because he jumped in his seat when he heard her. Unfortunately Ms. Bustier saw that and said, "Mr. Agreste, if you are finding my class so boring would you like to teach the lesson?"

Chase shook his head and apologized, but Ms. Bustier was not finished yet. "Then perhaps you would like to inform the principal about that in his office?" After that she held out a slip of paper, and as Chase took it Nina mouthed "I'm Sorry" to him. He just shrugged, then he was gone.

Chases POV

On my way to the Principal's office I couldn't help but think about the reason why I was late. The note may of said that I was sick, and in a way I was, but that wasn't the whole truth. I havent been getting much sleep lately due to the nightmare that I have been having lately, so Mom let me sleep late today. When I woke up and saw it was nearly nine oclock I rushed to get ready for school.

A Few Hours Earlier

As Mom was driving me to school, Dad had already left for a photo shoot, she asked me why I haven't been getting much sleep lately. I could tell she was worried so I just told her it was bad dreams. I couldn't tell her it was due to the fact that I kept having nightmares about my partner- in - (stopping) crime, she just wouldn't understand. She could tell I wasn't telling her the whole truth, moms are weird that way, but she didn't push it. I look out my window, feeling guilty for keeping the truth from Mom, and see a weird guy doing magic tricks. The rest of the ride to school it was complete silence.

As the school came into view I checked the rearview mirror to make sure I had everything. My black jacket? Check. Favorite green shirt? Check. Regular jeans? Check. The white ring that allows me the ability to transform into Chat Noir? Double Check!

As I get out of the car Mom hands me a piece of paper. I look at it in confusion, and she laughs a little before saying, "It's your excuse to why you weren't at school on time." After I enter the school Mom leaves, and I head to the Principal's office. "Here is my excuse, sir," I say before heading back to class.

Back to the Present

I open the door to see Mr. Hootman. When he sees me the principal laughs and asks me why I'm here. I focus my gaze on the floor before I hand him the slip of paper that Ms. Bustier handed me. After Mr. Hootman read the slip of paper he frowned. Right when he was about to speak someone from outside screamed.

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