But Rohan didn't come and she didn't ask for him again.

The Minister started the funeral ceremony reciting verses from bible to bless his soul and they silently joined in the prayer.

'The Lord is my shepherd; I have everything I need. He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name. Even when I walk through the dark valley of death, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.'

Her mother had been crying throughout the prayers but she sat still without shedding any tear at the loss of her brother. Sam noticed her distant look on her face and left his to make an immediate phone call to Rohan but he returned with a solemn, tight- lipped grimacing face and sat next to her.

'Rohan is not answering his phone.'

He wasn't there when she needed him.

 Sam slipped his hand in hers giving it a gentle squeeze and she pressed back unconsciously as if her hand had a mind of its own seeking refuge in his warmth of palm. Her mother made a funeral speech about David's childhood memories and how he's a naughty child to deal with. Her voice broke between the sentences that he's young to die but he's found place in the heaven with God and they should make peace with his death. David's Captain and his entire department praised him for his devotion and sense of responsibility towards the department. He's an honest officer, devoted to his work and a good friend who will always be remembered in their hearts and no one could refill his place in the department. But his death hadn't been of proud to her. He didn't die performing his duty but in an accident which was too shallow and shameful for her unless it's a murder. She checked her phone again staring at the screen as if any second Rohan would call her back but her hope remained a hopeless hope of her and he never called. Sam made a brief formal speech and told a joke that how David had threatened him once for hitting on his sister. It made her mouth twitch in a sad smile being nostalgic upon remembering the times when he'd scare the boys away at the school and gym and the memories hit her with a disturbing nausea of the present reality which she forced back into her unconscious. Sam finished with his speech and it's her turn. She stood up walking towards the podium to offer her brother a final goodbye. Her eyes continuously searched around for Rohan hoping he might have come to support her at that hour of need.

'He didn't come'

"He was my first friend." She spoke, "My best friend and partner in crime whenever we both had to sneak out of the house past our bed time. He had been my strength for years; my father, my mother, my brother, my sister, my guardian and my teacher. He was everything all I could ever ask for. His death came as a shock to us but it's his time. All we can do is to hold onto his dear memories and remember that he's out there watching us."
 Annie paused collecting her thoughts and met Captain's eyes speaking after a pregnant silence, "And I believe his death isn't a mere accident." Her words stirred confusion among the guests and police department.

"He wasn't of those who could die in a mere accident but his death has deep link to the profile he had been recently working. And I believe that department would consider it as homicide and work on David's profile. His soul will only rest in heaven if we can complete the task he's left unfinished. May he be in peace!"


They placed roses on his casket and she put red rose on the coffin, promising herself at his body to find his murderer. The coffin was buried and guests started dispersing after offering their condolences to Annie. Sam had disappeared somewhere, maybe talking to Captain about David and left her alone at his grave for a private moment to herself.

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