Chapter 27

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He came out of the room and adjusted laboratory ID on his breast pocket. The black-haired male in white lab coat slid his glasses up the bridge of nose and took a turn to his right before making sure no one is following him. He dropped his head to his chest, covering side of his face from the eye of camera though not in suspicious arousing manner and slipped inside the medical laboratory room. There's a no one inside the room, good to his chance, and he ran through the computers for the data that he needed to look for. He clicked on the recent entries and went through the list till he found what he had been searching for.

"Got you"

"That person maybe tried to kill me." Rohan rephrased for doctor completely frustrated and gulped down the liquid in a medicine cup in one shot that nurse had brought him.
"It's a reaction of medication and ..." The male in white coat tried to reason with his patient in calm demeanour. But Rohan snapped at the him and it took last bit of his self- control from not attacking the doctor.
"It wasn't an hallucination." He shouted out and abruptly clutched his throbbing head in headache.
"Rohan, I had been with you all the time. There's no one inside the room." Melaine told him for the umpteenth time and Rohan locked his scorching eyes with Melaine in anger. She had left him for few minutes to use the bathroom and upon her return she found him in panic seizure, and immediately rushed to call in the doctors.
"Are you sure about this, Melaine?" There's slight tinge of bitterness in his tone, Melaine noticed. The questioning look that Rohan cast at Melaine unnerved the girl and she shuddered under his scrutiny as if he had been condemning her guilty of his conflicted mind.

"Rohan, we have already checked the CCTV cameras. It didn't show anyone entering or exiting the room." She insisted and held her arms underneath her bust.

"Then how do you explain the injection?" Rohan burst out finally losing his temperament with Melanie. Annie who had been listening to their argument caught a glimpse of Melaine's face out of her periphery and noticed a strange emotion passed across Melaine's face.
"It's the injection that nurse had given you before..."
"It's because of the heavy dosage and you're just recovering from head injury." Annie cut in Melaine and shifted on her heels pretending that she didn't notice a half concealed smile of Melaine.

" Leave the room." Rohan told them and turned his back to them fisting his hand in the bedcover. There's no point of having them around when he couldn't get them to listen to him for what he had experienced was real.

 "Rohan, look..."

"Leave, Melaine!"  Melaine closed her mouth and exit the room disappearing somewhere in the corridor. Annie sighed and left from the room. She looked around the corridor and hurried to chase the doctor to his office.
"Excuse me Dr. Reynard, can I talk to you for a minute?"
"Yes?" Reynard tucked his hand in coat's pocket.
"I-I want you to run Rohan's blood and urine test." Annie spoke moistening her lips.
"We had already run the blood test to check what had his caused heart palpitations and we're changing his medication..."
"There's nothing in his blood, like some drug to trigger this? Annie questioned.
"No, his blood and urine report is clear of any foreign serum."
" Thank you for your time." Annie gave a dejected smile as the doctor nodded and went inside his cabin. Annie exhaled out in disappointment because she had believed Rohan for a moment and a blotch of smeared red at underside of Melaine's arm put a thick doubt inside her head. The face that held a smirk of amusement at Rohan's tortured mind and his desperation to prove himself to be in his working senses than a surreal hallucination disturbed Annie. There's something about Melaine, from the start, that spoke so differently about her. She had carried an aura of mystery around her; a secret within secret of herself. But what it could've been, Annie hadn't gotten a smell of it to know. The girl dropped her arms and turned to leave from there, when Melaine immediately pressed herself against the wall as Annie passed by her. The corner of Melaine's lips turned up in a lopsided smirk and she entered inside the room no. 42 handing an elderly man his coffee.

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