Chapter Fifteen: Crumbling Under Expectations

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"Mom, whatever you want to talk about, can we do it some other time? I'm not really in the mood to talk." I said as sincere as I could without hurting her feelings.

My mom gave me a stern look, "No Jenni, we can't do this some other time. This morning I got a call from your guidance counselor. She informed me that your grades aren't looking too good. Do you want to explain to me what's going on?" Was she upset or was she looking out for me?

I sighed. "Mom, my grades aren't doing that bad. The lowest grade I have is a 92% in Chemistry. I wouldn't consider that bad at all..."

"Jenni, we need to talk about your future. And if your grades keep going in this path, your probably going to have to stay here and go to a college in Nebraska. You need to work harder on your schoolwork and start studying for the SAT and ACT scores because colleges are going to look at them." My mom annoyed me.

My mom spoke about this all the time. She was always so caught up in my grades that she never even asked me what I wanted my future to be.

"Mom. I take the SAT and ACT next year. I have tons of time. I don't need to cram all this studying now... Right now, I just want to live life, not worrying about school." I simply told her the truth.

My mom's face turned serious. "Jennifer Anne Waters, you'll have plenty of time to live life when you're older. But right now, you must focus on your studies. You have to get into a good college. Get a good job so that you can live a successful life. You need to stop fooling around because this time in you're life is critical."

I sighed. Here we go again. "Yeah yeah, I get it. But you want me to have a successful life, but all I want is just to have a happy life. I just want to be happy Mom."

"You'll be happy when you had the money to pay for your future. Just go to your room and study. And you better be taking that extra time to improve your test scores." My mom said as she stood up and walked to the kitchen.

"Yes ma'am," I said as I motioned a salute to mock that I should respect her every word. My mom just doesn't understand. Making money doesn't mean everything. What I truly want to do is what Matthew is doing. Just living life and inspiring people. Making people happy. But no, my parents wouldn't support that. I need to become a lawyer or doctor or something successful. The future is something that I fear and I just don't want to grow older because I have to make the decision whether to please myself or make my parents happy. There is no in-between.

I slowly slumped as I walked up to my room. Study, yeah right. She must be joking. I spent eight hours at school and she expects me to go to the sanctity of my home and learn more? Like no. Just no.

Right as I stepped into my room, I threw my backpack into the floor and I laid on my bed and had my phone right in front of my face.

My mom just made my day more worse than it already was. I just need something to cheer me up.

I scrolled down literally and decided to tweet the mood I was in.

Jenni Waters @jenniwaterss : People expect so much from me and I don't think I can reach those expectations. It's just so overwhelming.

Jenni Waters @jenniwaterss : It's like I don't have a say in anything anymore...

I just need a stress-free zone and my room was the only place I could go to. I quickly changed into a t-shirt and pajama pants. Then I checked the time to see that it was 9:34pm. I was about to go to sleep when I saw a notification on my phone coming from my phone.

I checked to see it one last time before I fall asleep. I was honestly so tired I couldn't even function right now. I just wanted to go to sleep and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

I saw that the notification was a dm. Who could it possibly be at this late at night? I read the dm and it was the final thing I remembered before falling asleep.

Matthew Espinosa : Hey Jenni, don't ever give up on your dreams. Don't ever forget that. If you want it, go get it. Don't let anyone stop you. Goodnight :)


Omg. I try to update, but I've honestly been so busy. I am really trying to write good chapters for you guys though. I hope you guys still like it though. I really appreciate it that you guys are reading this. I never thought I'd be writing some sort of a book that is successful as it is now. So all I have to say thank you! :)

Leave any constructive criticism below and any opinions or thoughts. I truly read every comment and take it into consideration.

Well. Thanks y'all. I love every single one of you.

- Jenni . :)

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