Yeah, A Bitch Beat Me Up

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A/N: This is going to be a short chapter simply because I was really tired when writing the last chapter and forgot to write where Kyoya and Rose talk after club time I'm really sorry, but atleast it's only the day after!

Rose's POV

I nearly left with once club time was over, but Kyoya softly grabbed my hand to stop me. "We need to talk, remember?" His voice was quiet and I nodded. That's right, Marri. (Merri? I already forgot sorry!) He pulled me over to a side room and we quickly slipped in, catching Koaru's eye for a split second and hearing a snicker from Hikaru. Don't tell me that they think we're going to-

"That girl from earlier, you don't like her?" He questions and I hesitate but nod. "Why are you so hesitant? What happened?" 

"It's kind of silly, but back in France should would bully me and now she is here and she has started to again. It's nothing I can't handle, it's just confusing as to why she would intoduce herself to you all."

"Has she hurt you?" He asks, worry showing in his eyes.

"Only a little, just a few bruises and it's nothing I can't cover up with some make up. Don't worry about it." The only thing I'm worried about is how it may affect my... condition. 

"Why has she hurt you? I'll get a doctor. I'll get her kicked out of school, hell you could get her kicked out of school, why don't you?" He asks. Because she knows what's wrong with my health.

"I don't need a doctor. Really, I promise." I smile weakly and kiss his cheek.

"Where are the bruises?" He asks and I bite my lip.

"My stomach, arms, legs. All easy to cover." I say and he hugs me. 

"I'm not going to let her near you, understand me? I won't let that happen." How can he even keep that kind of promise? God only knows. 

"Thank you, so much." I mumble into his chest and he shakes his head.

"Don't thank me, of course I'll help." We walk out of the room and the twins wiggle their eyebrows at me and wink. I blush deeply, I can't believe they would think we would... in the school! I swear.

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