Lobelia Girl's Academy

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A/N: sorry if you didn't want this chapter! You can just skip over the lobelia chapters I guess.... but you should read them...

Rose's POV

I can't believe I'm late! It's not like me to loose track of time like that when I read. Okay yes it is.... BUT I'm really late! I walk into the club room and the Zuka club from Lobelia Girls Academy is there. I almost went to that school, but I ended up coming here. Hikaru and Kaoru are laughing and Benio is talking to Haruhi.

"There you are Rose. Why are you so late?" Kyoya asks me and the Zuka clubs turns around to look at me.

"Sorry Kyoya, I was reading and lost track of time." I say with a smile. He nods.

"Benio way look at this gem!" A tallish girl with light brown hair that comes down a few inches past her shoulders says hugging me.

"You poor soul! Having being trapped with this stupid Host Club!" Benio says.

"How would you like to go to St. Lobelia Girls Academy?!" The girl hugging me asks. I notice Kyoya glaring at her. 

"I like it here. Also could you let go of me?" I ask. She ignores the second part.

"How could a maiden possibly like it here? You would be much better off with us!" The girl says hugging me tighter.

"Chizuru give the maiden some space." The 3rd girl says. 

"Oh, but she's just so cute!" Chizuru says.

"Could you pleeeeeaaaaase let go of me?" I ask again, but the question is ignored.

"Miss. Maihara Rose wants you to let go of her and unless you want a black eye I suggest you do so." Kyoya says. I could easily give her a black eye, but I'm not sure if he is talking about me giving her the black eye.

"Kyoya you can't threaten them!" Tamaki says.

"I'm not. Rose looks about ready to give her a black eye." Kyoya says chuckling. Chizuru lets go of me and I walk over to Kyoya. He snakes his arm around my waist, it's a little out of character for him, but I'm not complaining. I notice him glaring at Chizuru, though I doubt anyone else can see that he is glaring because of the glare of his glasses. I give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Chill out Kyoya." I whisper to him. He glances down at me. We hold eachothers stare  for a moment, this is how we have arguments. I narrow my eyes and he lets out a sigh before looking away and I know that I've won.

"Maidens we will be back for your decisions tomorrow!" Benio says and they leave spinning. Haruhi looks a little pissed, she must have found out about the whole online auction thing... I was pissed too when I first found out. Mostly because a lot of the stuff auctioned off was stuff that I had thought I had misplaced some how. The stuff they were auctioning off was from my room, not just a pencil.

"We have to come up with a plan!" Tamaki says. I sigh.

"Tamaki I'm sure Haruhi will stay at Ouran." i say.

"She did say she might not mind being fussed over by a bunch a girls." Kaoru recalls.

"And Lobelia's does have the money to pay off her debt." Kyoya says.

"Haru-chan did sound really mad..." Honey says and walks over to me teary eyed.

"Rose-chan is Haru-chan going to leave us?" He asks and Hikaru and Kaoru appear on both sides of Honey with the same look on their faces and then Tamaki behind them. 

"I don't think she will, though she often surprises me with her actions and choices some time so it's hard to tell." I say. 

"But Haru-chan can't leave us!" Honey says and hugs me then so does the twins. Hikaru on my left and Kaoru on my right.

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