Dinner with His Family

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Kyoya's POV
Rose should be here any minute now. The door bell rings and I answer it. Rose stands there smiling in a white dress that is tighter at the waist with a small black belt around the waist with black flats. I smile a little.
"Hello Rose. You look lovely this evening." I say.
"Thank you Kyoya." She says walking in. My eldest brother, Yuuichi, walks by and stops.
"You must be Rose." He says happily and she nods.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Rose." Yuuichi says walking over.
"The pleasure is mine." Rose says.
"Everyone else is waiting in the family room. Shall we join them?" I ask Rose and she simply nods, her sweet smile never leaving for a second. She takes my hand in hers and interlocks our fingers. I give her a reassuring smile. We walk into the family room and take a spot on the couch. Fuyumi is to her left and I'm to Rose's right.
"It's so nice to meet you Rose! I'm Fuyumi, Kyoya's sister. Kyoya's talks about you a lot." Fuyumi says happily. I have never spoken of her to my family...
"It's lovely to meet you too Fuyumi." Rose says.
"I'm glad you could join us this evening. I'm Akito." My brother says.
"Thank you all for having me over. It's lovely meeting all of you." Rose says. Mother and Father are out of the country on business right now.
"Kyoya's says you're a very good student." Akito says.
"Yes. I skipped a grade in middle school and have always had straight A's." Rose says.
"And you're taking Latin?" Yuuishi asks.
"Yes, second year Latin. I admire ancient Rome and ancient Greek. Latin is also a very interesting language to learn." She says.
"I'm exited to have a sister! Akito and Yuuishi can't get a girl!" Fuyumi says happily.
"As am I happy that I will have a sister." Rose says her smile not as bright now. I squeeze her hand a little and she looks over a me with a bit of sadness in her eyes. I can tell she is thinking of Elda, her twin. (A/N: that's what I said her name was right?) There is a clap of thunder and Rose jumps a little.
"What's wrong Rose." I ask her.
"I not one for thunderstorms." She answers. I put an arm around her.
"No thunderstorm is going to hurt you. I promise." I whisper to her. I see a light blush dust her pale features. My siblings look at us smiling.
"Kyoya you've become quite the gentleman." Yuuichi says.
"Why of course I have." I say.
"You two make the cutest couple! Don't you two think so?!" Fuyumi says.
"I agree." Akito says.
"As do I." Yuuichi says and Rose blushes a bit. I look over at the clock and it says it's 10:20. Rose has to leave soon.
"So Rose. What do you think of this host club Kyoya is in? Akito asks.
" I think it's good for him. He deals with the business part of the club. It's kind of like practicing for a real company I guess. He also enjoys it and the other club members, including myself." She says.
"You are part of the club?" Akito asks.
"Yes." She says. The clock strikes 10:30 and Rose stands up.
"I must be heading home now. It was wonderful meeting you all. Thank you for having me." She says.
"I'll ride with you. It's only proper." I say and she nods.
As we walk away Fuyumi yells, "no making out on the way to her house!" And laughs. Rose blushes a little.
~in the limo~
"Kyoya?" Rose asks.
"Yes?" I ask.
"Do you even like me?" She asks.
"What do you mean by 'like'?" I ask.
"Just at all." She says.
"Yes. I do like you. I never really pegged you as the insucre type though." I say.
"Everyone is insucre about something." She says and yawns.
"Tired?" I ask her.
"Yeah." She says.
"Go ahead. You can fall asleep." I say.
"Mmkay." She says and lays her head on my shoulder.
"Goodnight." She mumbles and falls asleep. I smile.
"Goodnight Rose." I say. We pull up to her house a minute later and I pick her up bridal style and knock on the door. A maid opens it a smiles.
"You can take her up to her room." She says and I nod and do just that. I lay her on her bed and pull the covers over her.
"Bye bye Kyoya." She mumbles half asleep and I chuckle.
"I'll see you tomorrow Rose." I say and kiss her forehead. I leavw and run into Tamaki.
"You really care about her." He says.
"I do indeed. Oh and don't forget to tell her that we all are going to my family's medical resort tomorrow." I tell him and he nods.

A/N: short chapter..... But a good chapter! Next chapter will be a longer chapter... THIS CHAPTER WASNT EVEN 1000 WORDS! I FEEL I HAVE FAILED FOR SOME REASON!! TT^TT

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