"You should have knock on my door before entering Ms. Davis, where is your manners?" I overacted on that moment, I don't know how to response, and I did what I do the best, busted out my anger. I saw her face become pale, awkwardly nervous, she is fighting for the words.

"Oh, I'm...I.. sorry" she stuttered for words, I wanted to comfort her, but at the same time I want her to suffer, for the pain she caused me a moment before.

"I'm just trying to help Rick to bandage his hand" I forgot Jenny is still here between us, my eyes are only focused on the girl who is the reason for my demise. She said my touch repulse her, her words shattered my heart into pieces, yet she standing here unaffected. She said she don't feel anything for me, fine let her feel being nobody in my life. When Jenny mentioned about my wounded hand, her gaze shifted to my cut. She came back, because she wanted to see, how bad her words affected me, she wanted to enjoy my heartbreak, no I won't give her the satisfaction of watching me broken.

I pulled Jenny closer to me grabbing her hand, I requested her to nurse my cut hand, intimately holding her hand avoiding Jen, yet watching her every little reaction from the corner of my eyes. And I got what I wanted, her eyes showed the emotion, her eyes glued to my hand or should I put it in this way, Jenny's and mine intertwine hands. She knows I never allowed anybody to come near me, especially when I'm like this. She was only the one who dared to be with me at my lowest and I loved her presence, in reality I crave for her touch. She succeed to hide her upset eyes, her resistance riling me up.

"Can you please sit" Jenny interrupted my thoughts, I flashed sweet smile to Jenny to make Jen jealous, the reaction of Jenny is too comical, she couldn't believe I gave her a smile.

"Sure" I sat on a chair, handing my hand to Jenny, she started cleaning my wound, I'm being crude for using Jenny, she is unaware how unknowingly she played a role in my sick game. An utter guilt squeezed my heart when I heard Jen's nervous stammered words, she want to leave, hell no. I want to know why she came to my cabin, I want her near me, it calms me, she might be thinking I'm all into Jenny right now, but she should know it's her I'm trying to grab the attention. But as usual she always thinks worst of me, I bet I gave her reason though.

"Wait, Ms. Davis, you didn't tell me why you are here unannounced?" I smirk looking her uncomfortable, lier.. it does affect you.

"I came here to say, I'm leaving for the day" she wants to run away from me, this maddened me, how easily she looks for escape, not even fighting the situation. We could have survived together that dreadful night, if she would have stay. I could have kissed her feet forever for giving me another chance, I understand it was hard for her but my love was enough for both of us to start up. And again, inspite of showing her dismay, she behaved unaffected.

"It's not a garden where people can come and go according to their wish, this is business Ms. Davis, finish your invitation design, I didn't like what you made, so change it by today itself. Am I clear Ms. Davis" I yelled on her like a manic. Her cheeks turned red and she shoots her angry glares on me.

"I know it's a business Mr. Adam, hope you remember too" She snapped looking straight in my eyes, her unspoken words said enough, she warned me not to dig our past on her, before she left. Her words stabbed my wounded heart once again, I jerked my hand from Jenny and asked her to get out abruptly. I can see offence in her eyes, but in this moment I don't care what she feel, my own agony is enough to deal with. I want her to leave me alone but she didn't buzz, we argued little until she dropped a bomb on me by saying.

"Ok, you want the attention of Ms. Davis, aren't you?" her bluntness stunned me, I asked what made her to assume this, she blurted again, it's you. This is funny, this stranger who doesn't know anything about me, still she could see how badly I was fighting for her attention, yet for whom I'm fighting, she is unaware of it or paying oblivious.

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