The Final Contest Starts!

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When 5 days passed and it was the day to perform... I got so worried... I keep looking down at my piano sheet pretending to play the right notes... "UGHH!! He's looking down again..." Melena said to herself... She walked towards me, she pulls my head up and puts her forehead on mine like we were going to kiss."Just stay calm Ethan and don't worry about losing..." She said that with pride... All of a sudden, the receptionist ran to us... "Oh... I'm so sorry, did I disturb your moment together??" The receptionist said... "No, not at all..." Melena replied with the speed of light... "Ok... Just telling you, but you're up next..." He said... "Yes yes, thank you!" Melena said... "No worries..." And then he walked away... Our turn came and then we walked on stage and there was a feeling I felt in such a long time... We started the song peacefully and then we went to serious and hard... But then suddenly, I couldn't hear my notes... I'm pressing the keys very hard, but I still can't hear it... UGHH C'MON!! I can't hear my notes... Just then as I couldn't hear the notes, I heard my mom's voice saying... "Hehehehe!! That's your punishment for betraying me... Didn't I teach you enough to never betray your parents?? Your dad already left us alone... And now you're leaving me..." How? How did i hear my mom's voice? I thought that she was dead a long time ago!!! I got frustrated, I'm trying to ignore my mum's voice, but I can't... She keeps repeating the same line all over again and again... All I could hear is her voice... Nothing else... I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared... I just want this to be over... I could see Melena looking at me while playing her violin worried... She's trying to go as slow as possible so that we were at the same speed... I started losing control of my tempo... My tempo is going slower and slower whenever I hear my mum's voice... But I knew it that my tempo is slow, so I tried to play faster... I can see the judges in the corner of my eye... Staring at me like if I know where I am... But I think the judges are going to let me and Melena have another try in doing the concert again if I would explain how I felt while I was playing the song... When we finished our song... The audience applaused so loud that ot cane be heard from 13 miles away... Melena was speaking quietly to me... "Ethan, please, please never forget me, never forget this moment and never forget us... Please, that's all i ask from you..." I just sat there staring at her, watching her cry...

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